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I stared at my computer screen absentmindedly as I tried to recall when my life started to become boring. Between work and having a kid, Sam and I gradually drifted apart. To my surprise, when I heard a knock on my office door, it was her.

It was already open. And Sam was holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand. "Hey, honey. You're not busy, right?"

I shook my head and smiled as she walked towards me. Standing, she pulled me into a hug. "What a nice surprise." She handed me the flowers and stepped back.

"Hailey might have sent me a thousand messages about how I was an asshole this morning."

"That's my girl. Always looking out for me."

"Yeah." Sam rubbed the side of her neck nervously. "You look really good today."

"Did Hailey tell you to say that?"

Sam smiled weakly. "You know I think you're beautiful. I just forget to say it."

I placed the flowers onto my desk. "Close the door." I tell her.

Sam looked skeptically at me. "I have to get back to work soon, I—"

"Just close the door, Sam."

She nodded and did so. When she turned back to me, I noticed the curiosity in her eyes. "Peyton, what are you—"

I closed the distance between us and pulled her in. "I wanted to kiss you." Sam hesitated before giving in. Her hands moved downwards from the small of my back.

"I should bring you flowers more often," she whispered against my lips. I felt relief as she began to stroke my sides with her thumbs.

"Yeah. Maybe tonight we can get dinner?" I tilted my head to the side as we stared into each other's eyes. "Then maybe, just maybe, we can—"

"I'd like that," she said. I kissed her again and she recoiled immediately, leaving me confused.

"What's wrong, Sam?"

"Not here, Peyton. I have to go." She reached for my hand and placed a kiss on the back of my palm. "Tonight, for sure."

I tried to hide my disappointment and nodded. "I'll get Hailey to stay at a friend's?"

Sam stepped out of our embrace and walked to the door. "Okay. Sounds good, honey." She opened the door and left.

Placing my hand over my face, I felt like a fool. I sucked in my emotions and walked behind my desk.

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