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My eyes opened to the sunlight peaking through the curtains. I turned to Sam's side of the bed and felt emptiness consume me.

Getting up, I got ready for the day, and decided to head out. On my way to the door, I heard Sam's voice, "going somewhere?" She asked, sitting on the couch.

I turned to her. "Yes. I'll see you later."

"Peyton, we should talk."

"I'm not in the mood, Sam."

Sam got up and walked over to me. She grabbed my hand and held on tightly. "I love you, Peyton. Please don't give up on us."

My demeanor softened as I looked into her eyes. "You're not the same person I fell in love with, Sam."

"You're not the same either. We've both changed."

"But I haven't done the things that you've done, Sam."

"I know," Sam mumbled. "But I've been here—everyday, with you and Hailey. I deserve some credit?"

I stared at the woman I loved more than anything in the world, and felt disgust. "I did that too for you and our daughter. But I never, ever disrespected you, cheated on you or lied—"

"You have lied to me, Peyton. I'm not naive."

I scoffed and pulled my hand away. "I'm not naive either, Sam."

Sam shook her head. "One thing. I did one thing bad, out of seventeen, frickin' years with you."

"One thing, huh? How many women have you had sex with, Sam? Just one?" I looked at her in disbelief, as she looked back at me anxiously. "You're pathetic. Come on, tell me. You might as well tell me the truth now, while I'm ready to hear it!"

"Peyton, just stop."

"Stop? No, I want to hear it, Sam. Can you remember how many women you've slept with, or have you lost track!"

"I don't know," Sam walked away. I followed her. "Peyton, you don't want to know."

"I didn't want to know you cheated in the first place!"

"Me neither!" Sam screamed. "I would have taken it to my grave. You had to fucking invite your teacher's aid over!"

"You are so threatened by her, aren't you? Afraid that I might leave you for her? Grow up, Sam. I'm not an idiot like you to sleep around. I actually wanted our marriage to work. All you wanted was to get your rocks off!"

Sam said, "don't act like you wouldn't jump at the chance to sleep with her. Why would she be interested?"

"Are you trying to provoke me to prove you wrong?" I could see the fury in Sam's eyes. "I'm not interested in playing games with you, Sam. Jamie has nothing to do with what's going on between us."

"But you are interested in her, aren't you?"

"Why does it matter, Sam?"

Sam crossed her arms over her chest. "What's your plan, Peyton? Sleep with her to get back at me?"

"Even if I slept with her, you and I will never be even. What you've done to me, is far beyond anything I could possibly do to you."

"Anything I have done has never affected us," Sam said. "It's kept us together for this long."

"So you're saying if you didn't cheat, our marriage would have fallen apart?" I asked, annoyed.

"Maybe so."

"Then let me prove you wrong." Sam looked at me questionably. "I swear to God, if we didn't share a daughter, I'd kick you out. But you can stay until we split our assets. I'll move in with my parents."

"Are you asking for a divorce?"

"I'm not asking you for anything. I'm telling you that I am leaving you and taking my daughter with me."

"You can't do that!" Sam yelled.

"Watch me. I'd like to see you take me to court and explain yourself to the judge. Don't forget to bring up the Green Door."

"Peyton, please. I want us to work."

"I will never forgive you, Sam. I probably don't know half the shit you've done. But you disgust me. I will never lay next to you again. I will never touch you again. We are over."

Tears fell from her eyes. "But I love you."

"If you really loved me, you would've never done any of it."

I walked towards the garage, only to see Hailey standing by the back door, tears in her eyes. "Mom," she mumbled.

"Hailey, how much did you hear?"

"Enough," Hailey responded. "You're getting a divorce?"

My anger turned into fear, as I looked at my young daughter in agony. "Come here, sweetheart. I'm sorry."

Hailey shook her head. "Ma cheated on you?"

I nodded, hesitantly, as tears filled my eyes. "We're going to be okay. We'll stay with your grandparents—"

"I don't want to. Can't I stay here? With Ma?"

"That's what you want?" My chest tightened.

"No. But I don't want to move. Why can't you stay too?"

Sam walked over to us. "We can still be a family. We can work this out."

My heart pulled in different directions. "Hailey, look at me." She stared into my eyes. "I'm not staying. I don't know what's going to happen. But it's not healthy for Ma and I—"

"Why? Are you really leaving us?" Hailey asked.

"I'm not leaving you, Hailey."

"But you're divorcing Ma?"

"I don't know, sweetheart."

Tears slid down Hailey's cheeks. "I hate both of you." She looked between me and Sam. "This isn't supposed to happen!" Hailey pulled away from me and ran to her room frantically.

I took a deep breath, as I processed her tantrum.

"Are you happy with yourself, Peyton?" Sam asked. "You shouldn't leave us."

"I'm only leaving you, Sam."

Sam's eyes looked dull. "Then go then."

"You really think that there's no consequences for the things that you've done? Sam, I'm going to knock you off your pedestal."

Sam laughed. "Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a warning."

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