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I stared at my computer screen with a dread I hadn't felt in months...

I wondered what Jamie was up to. And if my daughter was giving her a hard time again. I got up and walked out of my office, towards Jamie's classroom.

Hailey was in her Chemistry class. And Jamie was teaching her second class of the day. I stood by the door and listened her talk about Shakespeare as though she'd met him. I never thought she'd be someone so passionate about Literature. I, myself was never too fond of Shakespeare. I enjoyed the modern writers more, like James Patterson or JK Rowling.

I walked back to my office and closed the door. I sat defeatedly in my chair, as a familiar uneasiness consumed me.

It rested at the bottom of my stomach and wrapped between my thighs like a fire burning of smoke. I took very deep breaths and tried to remember the last time I tamed the desire within me.

"I can't even remember," I mumbled to myself.

When I heard a knock on my office door, I hoped to see my wife. But instead, was greeted by the Vice Principal.

"Can we talk, Miss Aspen?"

I gestured for him to sit. "What's going on, Matt? Everything okay?"

He clasped his hands in front of him. "We have a situation with your daughter."

I exhaled a frustrated breath, but tried to hide it. "What's happened?"

"It has to do with one of our teachers—"

Jamie. "Who?" I asked, even though I already assumed.

"Miss Dutton. Jamie Dutton."

I gritted my teeth at his confirmation. "What about her, Matt?"

I'm going to tear Hailey's head off. "There's, how do I say this, some graffiti in the girls' bathroom."


"Yes. In red lipstick, I believe. It says 'Miss Dutton has a crush on a married woman.' I'm unsure who the married woman is—"

I raised my palm as I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Show me this." I stood and he led me to the girls' bathroom.

I stared at the writing on the wall, and was very disappointed in my daughter. I knew she wrote it. But I just couldn't believe it.

"How do you know that Hailey was the one who wrote it?"

Matt looked at me and smirked. He pointed to the initials beside the writing. "HR. Hailey Rollins, no?"

And she's stupid enough to claim it.

"I need you to help me handle this, Matt."

"That's why I'm here. Tell me what, and I'll act like I had some say in it."

I grabbed a washcloth and disinfectant from the storage closet in the hallway. "I can't believe she would do something like this."

I wiped the wall until it was spotless.

No evidence, no crime.

"It's not the first time she's done—"

"Yes I know. But never bullying like this." We walked back to my office. I didn't want Matt lingering in the girls' bathroom for too long."Do you think a lot of eyes have seen it?"

Matt shrugged. "Many, I'd assume. It's been there all day. You know kids these days, there's probably pictures of it too."

I threw myself against my desk and groaned. "Does Jam—Miss Dutton know?"

"I don't believe she does. But I'm sure that won't last for long."

"I know," I mumbled. "I will handle this."

"I know you will, Miss Aspen."

"Matt, let me know what you hear. I'll call Hailey to my office now."

"Okay. Good luck."

He gave me two thumbs up before leaving.

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