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That night, as I laid in bed, I thought about my life in a third person's point of view. I had a beautiful home, a healthy family and a great career. Yes, my life had it's flaws—my daughter was rebellious, my marriage was sometimes rocky, and I often wondered what my life would have been like if I'd taken another path.

I was very content with the path I chose. But I've always wanted more too—more time off, another baby, a better sex life with my wife...

I looked over at Sam and sighed. I couldn't say that it was only her fault that our intimacy had simmered over the years. I should've tried more too. And at some point, trying just isn't a priority anymore.

But I didn't want my marriage to be like that. I needed to try for the both of us.

Sam opened her eyes slowly and my heart skipped a beat. She said, "you okay?"

I nodded. "Yes. You know I love you, right?"

Sam smiled widely at me. "I love you too, Peyton. Come here." She pulled me in and spooned me from behind. When she kissed the back of my neck, I closed my eyes and knew that we could make it work. "I'm sorry about what I said, Peyton. I should never doubt your loyalty. I get jealous sometimes. I'm sorry."

I gently rubbed the palm of her hand. "Just don't do it again. I forgive you."

"I promise you I won't. I trust you." Sam kissed me again, and as the minutes went by in silence, she drifted to sleep.

I stayed awake for awhile, soaking up her warmth and love. The last thing on my mind would be to ever break up my family.

But still, I felt guilty, even as I laid there in my wife's arms, because the thought of Jamie kept crossing my mind.

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