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The warm water encompassed my body soothingly. I opened my eyes, hoping that Sam would be standing by the door, staring at the body of water, hoping to see my nipples rise with every breath that I took.

But I stared at an empty doorway. I could hear the sound of the tv coming from the bedroom.
I exhaled an unsatisfied breath and decided that it was time that I rose from my bath.

I walked into our room with my robe wrapped around me. Sam was reclined on the bed, under the covers, watching the news. She said, "enjoyed your bath?"

I nodded. "Just what I needed."

"That's nice," she said.

I grabbed my nightgown and pulled it on. "It was. Thank you for making dinner." I was grateful, but was looking forward to going out. Hailey wanted to stay home. And we were too exhausted from work to get dolled up. So, we stayed in.

"It's my pleasure, honey. I'm thinking of takeout tomorrow? Maybe Thai?"

"That sounds good. I can pick it up on my way home from work," I said.

"Or I can get it delivered."

She continued to stare at the tv, as I hung my robe in the closet. "We'll see."

"I know it's expensive. But what's the point in having money if we don't use it? I'm sure the delivery driver could use a generous tip," she said.

"That indeed." I slid into bed beside her and grabbed my pillow to hold on to. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you too, honey." She placed her hand in my hair and rubbed. Even I was too tired to have sex. As the years went on, we both lacked the motivation to be intimate.

Sam didn't say another word. She continued to watch the news, and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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