Jon - What to do next?

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He couldn't help but feel anxious as he floated right next to Tord. He was really hoping Tord wouldn't get seen in his current form, not just for Tom's sake, but Tord's too. He could imagine that people would be interested in killing or experimenting on the monster that had already made a public appearance when Eduardo gained his super powers. There was no way they weren't.

"Tom is kind of right though..." Tord muttered, glancing at him before quickly slipping into the shadows of the house as a group of girls unknowingly passed them. He watched them leave again with a grim expression.

"Huh?" Jon blinked. "What do you mean? I thought you didn't want to swap back?"

"I don't. I thought you'd be smarter than that. That's obviously not what I meant..." Tord looked at him for a moment and chuckled. Jon was getting annoyed just having him look at him, when he acted like he was so much more intelligent than him. Maybe he was, but that was no reason to be rude about it. "Did you really not notice you were siding with your murderer back there? I mean, I'm not complaining since Tom seemed pretty pissed off by it... It's just that it doesn't look very good on you, Jon. It kinda makes you look like, well, a naive little idiot."

"I'm not an idiot!" Pouting, Jon crossed his arms. "I just don't think you should suffer at all. For any of this. That's all there is to it. I really don't get how that makes me an idiot. I'm just being empathetic. Is that such a bad thing?"

Shaking his head, Tord began making his way back home, dashing from shadow to shadow. "Then you definitely are naive. I am - was - the leader of a powerful army. One that's trying to take over the world with or without me. I've killed countless other people without feeling even the tiniest bit of remorse. Your death was nothing new or special for me. It wasn't even my first murder and I'm not-"

"But that doesn't mean you aren't capable of change!" Jon replied, his hands clenched into fists as he floated after him. Tord was the real idiot here, it felt like. Him and Tom. "You still feel guilty, don't you? You wouldn't have come back again if you didn't!" He was filled with satisfaction when he saw the black eyed monster flinch. He had known he was right, but this was just extra confirmation. "See, you do!"

"And?! Nobody fucking cares if I'm sorry! Edd and Matt are never going to forgive me anyway!" Tord hissed, slashing someone's car tires in a fit of rage. They both watched it getting drained of air. "This whole guilt thing is just so pointless! Why can't I be the selfish asshole I've always been a-and take over Tom's life for good?! He caused this whole mess anyway! It's not my fault it's like this, I'm just abusing the power I've been given!"

"It's not right though..." Jon responded softly.

"Who cares if it's the right thing? I just... I just want to get my happy ending. I don't care what fucked up things I have to do to get it," Tord sighed, massaging his temples with his claws. Well, that's what Jon thought he was doing. "You just don't get what it's like..." Jon didn't get what it was like...?! What it was like not to get a happy ending?!

Jon gasped, glaring at him. "I... I don't understand what that's like? To not get a happy ending?! Are you seriously thinking that?! Are you completely blind?! You bloody murdered me! My friends can't even... they can't even see me! I am dead! Forever..." His voice got more and more shaky by the second. "I'm dead and I'll never get to eat, sleep or do anything normal ever again..." He forced any tears he might have shed back down. Crying was useless. It wouldn't bring him back to life.

They were completely silent as they continued their way back to Edd's home. There were just no words that could have possibly been said between them that could have made things better. On the contrary, there were a lot of things unsaid that would have made everything a whole lot worse if they had been said. So perhaps the silence was for the best.

It didn't take that much effort for Tord to slip back through the window unnoticed. As he silently watched his tail follow him inside, Jon was wondering whether or not he should just leave and return to Tom's side. He wasn't needed here after all. Tord was just constantly annoyed at the presence of his murder victim. And Jon... well, he wasn't sure if he liked being here. Did he want to watch his murderer destroy someone else's life, too? Even if it was Tom, someone he didn't particularly get along with?

He decided to stay, if only for a moment, to try and get Tord to maybe change his mind. There was some guilt somewhere inside him. If Tom let Tord get back into their lives, he would agree to switch back. There needed to be negotiations and Jon might just be the only person - or ghost - capable of that job. Unfortunately. Jon would have rather continued following his friends around and secretly help them with small mundane tasks than have to get involved in this mess. But the sad reality was that things were this messed up and he had to fix them. One way or the other.

"Alright, so it seems like Tom won't help me..." Tord mutttered, pacing around the room, his tail accidentally knocking down some things off Tom's desk. He grimaced, but didn't make an attempt to pick them up. "Calming down might help. I didn't think yoga might be actually useful some day." He chuckled.

"Why don't you try what you normally do to calm down?"

"Because I don't. I just shoot things."

"O-oh, that's-"

The door suddenly opened. Matt stepped inside, his eyes currently staring at his reflection in a mirror he held in front of his face. "Tom, Edd said you can't hide in here any longer, so-" He took a look at Tord before he gasped, "Monster!"

"Oh boy..."

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