Tord - This is just the beginning...

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Tord heard the front door being kicked in and wheeled around. "T-tom!" he shouted in surprise, when he saw the man in the blue hoodie storming in. He was speechless for a few seconds, unable to react. This situation reminded him so much of the day he got his giant robot back, when he betrayed his friends and showed them what he had become in the years he had been away... a ruthless killer who didn't let anything get in the way. Old memories came flooding back, memories of their past adventures, followed by the moment he was completely alone and realized what he had done.

Tord looked at the eyeless male, not sure what to do now. This was the worst possible moment for him to be here, he wasn't finished with his machine yet. He needed to fix his past mistakes, but if Tom found out what it was for too soon... he had to keep him away from it, no matter what.

"Your game is over now, commie!" Tom growled, glaring at him as he came closer.

"Game?" Tord repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Do I look like I am playing a game to you? I've bigger things to worry about. I'm a well known criminal, I have no time for games."

Tom got really pissed by this. "Oh, don't try to be funny now! You are obviously trying to build something to torture or even kill us, sunshine lollipops!"

He wasn't surprised Tom thought of him like that, at least not too much. After all he had done, betraying everyone so easily, he didn't expect Tom to trust him one bit, but it could possibly ruin his plan to change the past. He needed Tom to leave. "It's nothing you need to worry about..." Tord muttered and let his mind go over ways to get rid of him. He didn't want to kill Tom, obviously, although he would if he had to. It wouldn't matter once he traveled back in time. Knocking him out would probably be a good idea for now. Tord just needed a little more time to finish the machine...

"As if I would actually believe any of that bullshit! The last time you tried to kill me with your giant robot! And now you say 'Oh, don't worry about it, you little idiot, I'm NOT trying to kill you again'! No way I'm going to trust you!" Tom spat and grabbed a metal pipe Tord had planned to use for the machine. He had bought them a while back only to realize he had too many of these pipes and then leaned against the wall. So much money down the drain...

"It's nothing that would hurt you or the others, I promise! It's a fucking time machine, not something to-" Tord quickly covered his mouth, realising he had just accidentally told his enemy parts of his plans. He shouldn't have said any of that. His whole plan could be ruined just because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

The eyeless man gasped. "You want to change the past so you are able to actually get your giant robot and be able to kill me!" Tom yelled. The Norwegian could see Tom's logic why made a whole lot of sense, even though what he said just wasn't true. But why would Tom believe that? What kind of idiot was Tord to believe he'd succeed with this? Tom would never believe him. Still, he tried even if he knew it was pointless.

"This is not true! I just want to prevent my past mis-!"

"But I am here to stop you, commie!" Tom interrupted him with a growl, giving him a death glare. "I won't let you harm any of us another time!"

I should probably use the time machine now, but it isn't finished yet, Tord thought, glancing towards it. If I had actually finished it I could just leave right now and change the past. Fuck, I need more time!

He slowly raised his fists to fight Tom once he started attacking him, but Tom had walked towards the machine, examining it with a terrifying grin on his face. "You know, I could use that time machine as well," he murmured. "The world would be so much better if I just erased your existence from earth. I could prevent your birth, for example..." He looked at Tord. "How does that sound to you, commie? Not so fun when I use your new weapon against you, is it?"

Tord stared at him in shock. Did he really hate him that much that he would actually prevent his birth...? "T-tom, don't-" Tom hit a big red button with his fists, his face not showing any emotion. A bright light flashed through the creeks and cracks of the machine, making strange, loud sounds like it would fall apart at any second. "Turn it off!!! Turn it off, Tom, it's not finished yet!!!" the Norwegian yelled, dashing forward to get to the control panel in time. "It's not finished!!! It hasn't even been tested yet!!! It's nuclear powered, so it's probably going to explode, you idiot!!!"

Tom slowly took a step backwards. "What...?" he asked, looking at his enemy, his eyes dilated to the point they had turned completely white. It looked horrifying.

He began pressing buttons to turn the time machine off because for someone that was usually so quick to yell threats, Tom wasn't any help. He seemed to be paralysed with fear, staring at the machine.

There was a cracking sound coming from inside the machine. "Oh n-!"

The machine exploded with a strange orange light filling the entire room. He didn't have time to think about it because the two men along various machine parts were flung through the room. The last thing he could make out were the silhouettes of the broken parts on the ground, then Tord was dashed against the wall with the force of a speeding car, knocking him out immediately.

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