None - Complicated situations

495 17 5

For a few seconds, at least two, maybe even more, Tord was floating through a strange, colourful light, but then he fell right on his face. "Ouch!"

He rubbed his head, standing up from the ground. Looking down at the floor, he immediately got confused. Wasn't that the same floor from their own house? Man, portals were pretty boring if that was what they were like on the other side. Not at all exciting or anything. Or maybe Matt had just been an idiot again. He had imagined the other side of a portal being completely different, leading to a place where every colour was reversed or sexy anime girls were running around instead of these boring plain women you met everywhere on the street.

He heard a chuckle. Looking at his right, he saw Edd and Matt and- two girls who looked exactly like them?! Was he dreaming all this? As far as he knew they didn't have any twins, so who the hell were these girls?!

They all laughed when they saw his shocked expression. Wait, wasn't he supposed to say something? "Um... Holy-" Luckily his way too late line of dialog was cut off. He really had no idea what he would have had to say anyway. Tom always said something completely random.

Edd grinned at him. "Tom, these are Ell," He pointed at the girl looking almost exactly like him who had started sipping a cola, "and Matilda." He pointed at the other girl who had started some weird staring contest with Matt, both of them squealing at each other. At least that was what Tord thought they were doing. Knowing Matt, it probably wasn't, but he didn't want to know what he was up to.

"Hi," Ell smiled, taking another nip from her can of coke. She looked pretty much exactly like Edd, safe her long, brunette hair that was in a pony tail and her body was obviously a bit more feminine. 

"Hey!" Matilda squeaked. "I am pretty cute, aren't I?" She giggled and smiled at Matt, probably expecting him to agree.

"Isn't that just awesome? Theyareusfromanalternateuniverseandthismirrorisleadinginthisworld!" Matt shouted in an excited voice, hugging his other self from behind. Tord had problems to hear what he had just shouted because it had been way too fast for him, all he could make out was alternate... something, mirror and world. Matt should probably try not to talk so fast when he was excited. It was hindering to get information thanks to that.

"Er... what. The actual. Fuck?" the Norwegian muttered under his breath. Alternate what? Universe? Was that even possible? Seeing the two versions of his friends it seemed like it actually was. For a second he was curious how his version would look like. Other universes had different scenarios if he had been informed correctly by his scientist, which meant the girl in this world might not have made the same stupid mistake he made. Or maybe she did and didn't look much better than him.

"What is going on here?" Another girl entered the room, seeming quite pissed. Tord knew within seconds who she was, just by hearing what she said. Tom's other, female version. Just great! The one person who could tell he wasn't who he pretended to be. "Aaaaaand who are these guys?"

"Oh, hey Tamara! These are Edd, Matt and Tom, us from an alternate universe!" Matilda chirped. "Look at Matt! Isn't he handsome? Can I keep him?"

Tamara looked at the guys with an annoyed expression on her face, before huffing. "Alternate... universe? Hearing that from you, it's probably not the truth snyway." Tamara turned her back on them and walked out of the living room with her arms crossed. "And even if it is I am way too sober for this bullshit. I'llget myself a drink."

"I think you should probably talk to her..." Ell muttered in Tord's direction. "You're another version of her after all. You'll bond."

"Er... yeah... right. I should talk to her. A-and get drunk, I guess." This wouldn't end well. Tamara was quite obviously the real Tamara and he was sure it wouldn't take her that long to figure out he wasn't actually the real Tom, unlike Edd, Matt and their female versions in this dimension.

He quickly rushed out of the room and followed her, hearing Edd complain about his alcohol addiction, Ell saying something about Tamara not being any better and Matt and Matilda screeching like crazy fangirls at anime conventions. He didn't even want to know why they were doing that.

The Norwegian followed the girl to her room quickly, but the moment he entered she was already leaning against the wall next to it. "You aren't the real Tom..." she muttered. Tord wasn't sure if she was looking at him. Her black eyes were hard to follow. Tord gulped.

Tom looked at the house and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. It was so quiet in there. Way too quiet. What did Tord do to the others? Did he tie them up to tell them his master plan and waited for Tom to show up just so he could trap him as well? It would make sense, but it sounded more like the cliche of a generic villain and not like an actual plan Tord would follow.

Clenching his teeth, Tom stepped towards the front door, ready to kick it in, when he heard someone shout, "Hey!"

Tom looked around, not sure what to do, until he noticed Eduardo standing at the fence, with an expression on his face Tom had never seen on him before.

"You! You were the loser's friend who killed Jon!"

He wanted to tell his neighbour he was not Tord but actually Tom, but Eduardo had already jumped over the fence and was running in his direction. There was no way he'd get his idiot neighbor to calm down to listen to him.

"Oh shit." He knew Eduardo well enough to figure out he wouldn't listen to him, whatever he told him, so he did the only thing he could do. Run away as fast as he could and try not to get caught.

His neighbour yelled at him to stop running to let him beat Tom up, and followed him down the street. Tom could only hope Tord's body was able to run from Eduardo until he gave up. He had no idea how good of a runner he was. Getting caught didn't sound like a good option as much as he liked seeing the commie get hurt.

The Brit rushed into a dark alleyway and hid behind a dustbin to finally escape the angry man for good. He heard Eduardo passing the alleyway, still yelling threats, but soon it became quiet. He leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath.

Tom sighed in relief when a few minutes passed and he was still not found. "Aren't you the guy who killed me?" a familiar voice questioned.

Your body, your life (Eddsworld fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now