Tord - A less than hopeful beginning

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One year. It had been one year since he had betrayed his friends. His only friends. And he regretted it more than anything else.

What was he thinking back then? Did he really only care about power? Was all he could think about really just taking over the world? Yes. What a egoistic fool he was back then. He had been so dumb, letting his lust for power control him.

It had only lead to things he never wanted to happen. The explosion had left scars on the right side of his face, scars which would never heal completely. He would look like a monster forever. His eye turned out to have become blind after a few hours and they had replaced it with a red robotic one to fix it after he had complained it looked like Tom's black eyes. The medics at the base had also cut off his arm and now he had a robotic arm attached to his stump that he couldn't really control all that well. He was right-handed, so it was hell to do anything with his robotic hand. He had to switch to using his let hand, causing his hand writing to look like that of a toddler.

The first few months he had obviously blamed Tom. Him, Edd and Matt. They were the easy choices to curse at while he suffered. Why did this idiots need to ruin his carefully crafted plans? He was a powerful, respected leader and then he got defeated by them like he was nobody! Especially tje thought of Tom filled him with anger and hatred. This eyeless freak had destroyed EVERYTHING. He wished he had had success in killing him. It would have been so much better. Tom was the one who caused Tord to look like a monster.

But after half of a year his thoughts had slowly shifted. Was it really their fault? They had trusted him. They had welcomed him back after all the years with opened arms. And he had betrayed them like their friendship meant nothing. He WAS a monster. His actions proved it.

It became more and more difficult to lead the army, as soon as his anger died away and was replaced with regret and guilt. Sadness filled his heart and everything reminded him of his past. Some soldier drank a can of cola, someone made a pun or he smelt the bacon he had ordered from the cook and Tord immediately remembered Edd, causinghis heart to ache. Someone was sarcastic, played a bass or drank a bottle of alcohol and Tord couldn't help but miss Tom. He saw someone staring at their reflection, heard someone being narcissistic or talk about their looks and he remembered Matt and felt guilt fora punch that had barely meant anything to him at the time. He missed them so much. So he finally quit. Years of building an army to take over the world and be the most powerful man on earth all thrown away. And it didn't hurt him one bit. He honestly didn't know who was the leader now. Maybe Paul, maybe Patryk, maybe even Yuu, but honestly he didn't care. He wasn't part of this anymore.

He had left the army three weeks ago and somehow he had managed to get a job despite his horrific appearance (he was still surprised at that one). Then, he had bought a small house in the same street his friends house was in. The house had been rebuilt in no time and they moved back in after they had lived in apartments for a while. He didn't know why they decided to move back considering he had tried to kill them, was wanted for trying to take over the world and would obviously target them, but that was not important. He wanted to apologise. It was actually a good thing.

But he choose to wait around and did nothing. That was all he really did. He wasn't ready to say sorry yet. He was just too scared. The things he did were unforgivable. Evwn he knew that. Tom would try to kill him the day he would show up and he was pretty sure neither Matt nor Edd would keep him away from it. What he did and said was unforgivable. Matt would want to get revenge for punching him in the face and Edd would hate him until he died for the betrayal and every word he spoke to Edd. But he still wanted to apologise although he knew it might be the last moment of his life. He had to do it, no matter what. All he needed was more time...

Tord was walking on the street, looking down on his feet to not have to see the weird looks he was getting. He hid his face by having his hood pulled over his head, not wanting anyone to recognise him. But it wasn't a red hoodie, it was a black one. He didn't want Tom or anybody else to get suspicious. That would only end in something bad happening. An eye patch hid his robotic eye and he had put plaster on his biggest and deepest injuries. His sleeve hid his robot arm pretty well, but just to make sure nobody would see it he had put his right arm in his hoodie pocket. Just in case.

But he probably should have payed more attention while walking because he suddenly bumped into someone.

"Ouch!" he hissed when he fell on the ground.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" a familiar voice growled. Tord's pupil dilated. That was Tom! Nononono! He didn't want to get recognised by him. No way! Not yet. It was better not to talk at all. He didn't have the words to properly apologise for what he'd done.

"Do you want to apologise or do you just want to sit there and say nothing?" Tom asked, his annoyance apparent in his tone. Tord could almost feel his enemy looking down at him with his strange void eyes.

"...sorry..." Tord murmured, clear enough for Tom to understand, while also trying to speak a lot deeper and with a less Norwegian accent. But he failed miserably.


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