Tord - Meeting familiar faces

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"Tord?!" Tom gasped.

Tord wanted to say something, anything, but he just... couldn't. It was just not possible for him to form a simple sentence. "I...T-tom..." he stuttered. He didn't know what he should say to his enemy if he was being honest. What could he even say, after all that happened, after all the bridges he burnt? 'Hey, I am sorry I almost killed you. Please forgive me. We are friends after all'? Or 'I am sorry I destroyed your home for no particular reason except ruling the whole world. That happens sometimes'? That wouldn't make Tom hate him less. He wasn't an idiot.

These apologies sounded so weak. He wasn't good at apologising, he never had been. He never did much wrong and if he had made a mistake he had always blamed Tom, but Edd still wanted him to apologise these few times he ate all the bacon. And later, as the leader of an army, nobody was allowed to criticise him or his actions anymore. While he was the leader he could say and do however he pleased and just... completely forgot how to say sorry.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?", Tom growled. He had clenched his fists. They were shaking, showing how angry he was.

"I..." Why couldn't Tord say anything? All he could do in that moment was stutter like a helpless idiot. 'You wanted to apologise, remember?' he thought. 'Why can't you say anything?! This is the perfect moment to apologise!' But he stayed silent.

At first he thought Tom wanted to hit him or hurt him another way, but he just grabbed the wrist of Tord's normal arm and pulled him down the street, forcing him to follow him. Tom was so angry, he almost crushed Tord's arm with his own hand, so Tord was trying not to hiss in pain. Any weakness would only be exploited. Tears filled his eyes, but he wiped them away, so Tom couldn't see them.

"Does it hurt, commie?" Tom asked all of the sudden. Tord didn't know why he nodded, he just did. Maybe a part of him still naively thought he would be able to talk to him. "Good" Tom grinned.

They arrived at Edd's house a few minutes later. Tord didn't even try to escape, he knew how useless it was. And even if he escaped, it wouldn't make anything better. He wanted to say sorry after all, even if he wasn't prepared.

'Will they accept my apology?' he asked himself and looked at Tom. 'He would never forgive me, I can already see it.' There was a little bit of hope inside him his friends would forgive him and forget what he did, but there was another part of him saying, 'Yeah, like they would forgive you after all the things you caused, you prick! Everything you did was selfish and you even blamed them for everything! You are pathetic! This is bad karma and you won't escape it!'

Tom rang the doorbell a few times as he tightened his grip around Tord's arm. Edd was the one who ended up opening the door. "Tom?" he asked, not having noticed that Tord was standing behind Tom. "Why don't you use your key? Did you lose them again? Tom, you know you should be careful with them and not swallow them while you are drunk!" Tord stared at Tom from behind. He did what when he was drunk?!

"No, Edd. I just couldn't let SOMEONE run around free." He shoved Tord in front of Edd, whose eyes dilated.

"T-tord?" Edd stuttered. "Y-you..." Then Edd had knocked his old friend out with a vase from a small table next to him.

His head hurt. He wanted to rub it, but his hands were tied up behind his back. As he came back to his senses, he realised he was sitting on a chair in the kitchen. It looked a bit different from the last time he had been here, but that was not really all surprising considering this house had been rebuilt.

"Traitor." He raised his head and met the eyes of Edd and Tom, both sitting on chairs in front of him. Tord wasn't sure who said it, but it had definitely not been Matt. The ginger was standing next to them and he didn't look very happy, but not because of his old friend. He glared at the other two and whispered, "Why can't I get the chair?"

"Not now, Matt!" Tom grumbled, obviously annoyed.

"But I want to sit down! Why do you guys both get a chair and he does and I have to stand the whole time?" Matt whined.

"You are ruining our fool-proof plan by being an idiot, Matt." Tom glared at him as Tord watched him with interest.

"Plan? What plan?" Matt questioned. "You mean the one where you try to get as much information as possible from him?"

Tom facepalmed. "What is wrong with you that you don't know when you need to just do as we've said and shut up?!"

"Tord," Edd interrupted them, spitting his name out like it was a bad word. "Why did you come back here again? You're not welcome here."

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