Tord - Monster

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Tord sat inside Tom's room, wondering what was the best course of action to could hide his secret. Maybe he could show them some day, when things were different, but right now there was no chance they would forgive him. He couldn't mess up.

For a second he thought back to Tom. What was he doing right now? Probably swearing a lot and asking himself how he could get his body back. But it served him right, it was his fault this had happened to them after all. And Tord didn't really mind being in a different body all that much. He finally had a real arm again, not just a prosthetic! It was such a relief not to accidentally break glasses and other stuff.

The Norwegian looked at the bass guitar leaning against the wall, wondering what he should do with it. Tom had always regularly played it, it was a routine of his to play it twice a day or so, but Tord had only held weapons, not stupid and useless music instruments. Would Matt and Edd notice if he didn't play that thing at all?

Sometimes Edd had talked about how much he liked to listen to Tom's songs while he was drawing, so it was probably better to learn how to play this stupid thing. Susie, Susan, or whatever Tom had always called it. Why did this eyeless weirdo have to have a hobby that was the exact opposite of his? Instruments were so boring and it was useless to try and learn how to play the guitar anyway. Or he could just play a song from the internet and act as if he was the one playing. Even if they were in the same room as him, they surely wouldn't notice.

"Fuck you, Susan," Tord muttered, flipping the bird at the guitar. "If I really am like this forever I will probably burn you." What was wrong with him? Why was he talking with a guitar? He had no attachment to any weird thing like Edd, Tom or Matt did. Edd talked to his cola sometimes, Matt was always complementing his reflection and Tom usually started whispering weird things in the direction of bowling balls, pineapples and this random bass guitar. Tord would definitely not start acting like one of them if he could help it.

He sat down on Tom's bed, wondering what to do next. Tom got drunk very often. His body was used to all the alcohol, but Tord didn't like the thought of getting wasted all the time. He had only been twice, being in the army, and both times he woke up in his bed hugging something that he probably shouldn't. Once it had been a fully loaded gun and had actually shot in the wall a few times somehow without even waking up, and as he had seen when he had checked the cameras in his room he had kissed it quite a few times and called it Gloria or Gladys. The second time Paul and Patryk had woken him up while he was holding a pillow of a Death Note character in his arms. The strangest thing about this was that he didn't even have one before. This mystery might never be solved. 

"So you are Tord, right?"

He looked up, only to be face to face with a translucent, floating blue... thing that stared right into his eyes while looking at him with curiosity. The former leader of the Red Army wanted to scream, but before he could do so the ghost grabbed him and threw him across the room like a rag doll.

"Don't. Scream," the ghost said calmly. It was a man, not looking very dangerous, but he was a ghost after all, so Tord wasn't going to judge him by his appearance, especially after being thrown through the room like he was the weight of a pillow. He slowly stood up, narrowing his eyes while glaring at the ghost.  "You might be my killer, but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." This ghost was a fucking idiot. He didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, but threw him around like a doll. What kind of person does that?

"I would have every reason to scream now! You just threw me around, you son of a-!"

"Do you really want to be so loud Edd and Matt are probably going to come here to investigate?" the ghost asked quietly. "That wouldn't be very good. I am invisible to them I think, so you would have a lot of explaining to do."

Tord took a deep breath, but it still didn't help much to calm him down. "You just threw me! I don't think they couldn't have heard that! Who are you even?"

"I am Jon. You killed me," the ghost replied bluntly.

"O-oh," The Norwegian muttered. "You are... the victim of the giant robot incident?"

Jon nodded. "Yeah, it was not the best situation to be thrown into. The same day one of my friends told me he wished I was dead, and only a few hours later I am. It's kind of ironic if you think about it."

"That guy honestly sounds like a terrible friend if... Wait, how do you even know I am not Tom...?" Tord questioned, his eyes widening.

"I met him earlier. He's really pissed at you. I'd be worried. He wanted me to check if everything's fine and as far as I can tell you haven't murdered anyone else yet, sooo yeah... heh... you should give him his body back before he does something very drastic," Jon said. "Can't you help him with that machine you built? He is trying to repair it now." And would never succeed in doing so, Tom was a master at destroying stuff, but he was the opposite with repairing and building. His ideas were interesting though.

Did this stupid ghost just seriously ask him to reverse everything? Was he really that dumb?! What was Jon thinking to ask him to do that?! "Why should I? I just want to be back here, having silly adventures again, like we used to, but I can't do that as Tord, the crazy maniac who had to destroy... well, everything! They didn't give me another chance! I did too many horrible things! They will never forgive me! I know what I am doing isn't what I am supposed to do, but who cares?! He was the one who activated the machine! It's not my fault!"

"Um, Tord... your - Tom's - eyes... there is purple smoke coming out of-"

"I just want everything to be like it used to be! Why is this too much to ask for?! I know I am a criminal and a horrible friend, but I at least want to-"

A sudden pain shot through his whole body and interrupted his speech. Tord yelped and his legs started shaking. He feel on the ground as his whole skin felt like it was burning. A hissing sound escaped his lips. The pain... it should just go away. It needed to go away. What was going on...?

"Tord! What is happening to you?!"

"I d-don't... k-know," he gasped. The pain was getting worse and worse. Did Tom have a serious illness the Norwegian didn't know about? What was this? He didn't understand! What was happening?!

"You are changing..."


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