None - Pretending to be him

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Tord opened the front door, thinking about how to fool Matt and Edd. He was feeling a little guilty for leaving Tom there and taking over his life like that, but he didn't see any other way to be friends with them ever again. Why shouldn't he take advantage of the given situation? He already was the bad guy anyway.

Of course he didn't want to imagine what would happen if his friends found out. There was a high possibility of his enemy showing up, trying to get his life back, but Tord didn't think the other two would even let Tom say anything to them when he tried to tell them the truth. He was in Tord's body at the moment and they didn't trust him at all, so why would they believe him? The chance of them finding out was ridiculously small if he acted the right way. But Tord had always been a good liar and, in his opinion, acting was pretty much like lying anyway, so he was confident they wouldn't recognise him as the one he truly was.

"Tom, you're back!" Matt cheered and ran up to him. "We have found something AWESOME! You need to see it! It's just... great! You'll never believe it!"

Tord tried his best not to chuckle at his childish behaviour and to keep Tom's bored expression on his face. "Yeah, whatever. Where is Edd?"

"It really IS awesome!" Matt squeaked, completely ignoring his question as he held one of his mirrors in front of Tord's... no, Tom's face. "Look at this, Tom! Do you know what it is?!"

"It's a mirror, Matt. You don't need to show it to me..."

"No, it's more than just a mirror, Tom! Remember when we were at the magic shop and I bought it?"

"Um..." Tord tried his best to remember what the others had told him about their previous adventures, but he didn't think they had ever mentioned a 'magic shop' while he was with them. Just tried to reenact their adventures. The Norwegian started sweating. He had just gotten here and he had already no idea about a past event in Tom's life, involving Edd and Matt. This wouldn't be as easy as he thought, that was certain...

But luckily Matt didn't notice his weird behaviour. He just... smiled at him. "Well, this mirror is just... it's a portal or something!"

"Er... what?"

"Oh, come on Tom! You do remember when that sword came out of it and a weird girl looking like Edd a few seconds later, right?"

"O-of course I remember..." Tord stuttered. "I... er... sucked my own thumb..." He just guessed that, but he was quite sure Tom would react like this in that situation, even if he'd vehemently deny it. And when he watched Matt's reaction, he knew he was indeed correct.

"Yeah, but that's not anything new, you sometimes do that in your sleep. Edd and I realized the mirror is magical! He even went inside of it!"

"He did what?!" Tord yelled. "I-is he fine?" He had gotten here to stay with his friends and if one of them was missing in a mirror which still seemed really strange to him and judging by Matt's way of telling things was probably not true he would have failed that.

"Huh? Tom, you usually don't care as much..."

"Oh, I..." He chuckled nervously. "I do. I just... don't show it that much..."

Matt looked at him, seeming a bit puzzled for a few seconds, but then he simply shrugged. "Alright, we should probably not keep him waiting." With those final words, Matt put the mirror on the ground and jumped right through it.

"M-matt?! What the-?!" Tord was irritated. How could Matt just jump in it like it was some sort of portal?! Sure, he could remember many supernatural experiences he had with his friends before he left, but there hadn't been anything like this.

He sighed. "I guess I have to follow him then..." And if he died in there it was Tom's fault for swapping bodies with him. Closing his eyes, Tord jumped into the mirror his friend had jumped in.

Tom just couldn't believe it. He was in the commie's body? How was that even possible? He pinched himself in his normal arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming. No, not dreaming, having a terrible, godawful nightmare. But it did seem like it was real after all. Shit.

"You will pay for this, sunshine lollipops..." Tom growled while he examined his new body.

He hadn't really noticed how much Tord had changed after the explosion of that robot. Sure, he had noticed right Tord's arm was somehow metallic, he was the one who had tied him up after all, but he hadn't cared about it as much. He had thought Tord had just put something on his arm to cover the scars up and look cool like an edgy teen, but he hadn't thought about Tord's arm being cut off and replaced by this... thing. It was heavy, he had problems moving it precisely and it just felt wrong. This was a horrible replacement for the lost arm.

Tord's face had been damaged by the explosion as well as he found out when he examined it in the mirror. It was weirdly ironic how much a single harpoon could cause. Tom chuckled. That sucker had deserved it for everything he had done to all of them. He didn't really feel bad about it.

And that eye... the red eye and the scars made Tord's face look like some kind of monster. Well, Tord was a monster. Not in the way Tom was sometimes, Tord had the worst personality a person could have. Of course, no one was hundred percent 'good', but Tord had always seemed like the devil himself to Tom. A dick who turned out to be so power-hungry he would betray his own friends. Tom hadn't thought Tord was capable of that, but he did know Tord wasn't to be trusted.

"Where the hell is he?" he asked himself quietly. If he was Tord, which he actually was now, where would he go? It took him a few minutes to realise where his enemy was, his eyes widening at the realization,

"Hell no! You won't replace me a second time, commie!" Tom stormed out of the house, running back home as fast as he could. He wouldn't let the Norwegian get away with this. Edd and Matt needed to know they were in danger before he could try anything.

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