Jon - Ghosting

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Jon looked at Tom, unsure what to think about all the things he had just told him. It sounded so strange? Could he just believe it like that? "So you and... Todd-"

"Tord. Don't start acting like... ugh, Matt." Why was he so mean? Jon wasn't dumb or anything. At least not that dumb. He... had his moments, but he wasn't that stupid. Jon hated it when everyone acted like he was.

"-really swapped bodies?" Jon asked, trying his best to ignore Tom's previous comment. "You didn't dress up as him or had a surgery or anything?"

"Why the hell would I do that?! That's so stupid that I don't even... Ugh, I wish I had just killed that bastard with my harpoon gun when I had the chance! Would have me spared me a lot of trouble," Tom yelled, making the ghost float backwards. Jon could see why he felt this way, but killing someone, no matter how much of a jerk they were, just didn't feel right. Hadn't Tom and Tord been friends in primary school?

"And... how are you going to solve all this?" Jon asked carefully, not wanting to trigger another outburst.

Tom stared at him as if he had just asked the dumbest question anyone had ever asked. "How I am gonna... What exactly do you think I am going to do?! Go there and tell them of course! And after that everything will be so much easier. They will force him to swap us back,"

Jon shook his head and sighed, "That's not going to work, Tom, and you know it. How likely is it that Edd and Matt will listen to you when you look like him? And you don't really want them to try to help you either, do you? They would probably destroy the machine when it's repaired and swap bodies as well. They are not really that competent..."

"But I need to tell them, Jon! As long as Tord is with them they are in danger! Who knows what that fucking psychopath will-"

"Does any of you want to see a puppet show of my rat puppets?" Both Jon and Tom wheeled around, freaked out that someone had listened in on their conversation.

"How long have you been here?!" Tom shouted at the sinister guy in one of the dustbins. "How long, old man?!"

Jon recognised the guy. He was one of the first people he had seen when he came back as a ghost. A really crazy and weird guy who freaked out everyone in both appearance and actions. That guy had clearly lost his mind a long time ago. Jon wondered what the man's life had been like before.

"Scar face, I haven't gotten out of here since I-" Scar face? Wow, that guy was actually quite good with giving nicknames. Jon would never have expected that. That guy was insane after all.

"Yeah yeah, nobody cares. Leave us alone before I stab you with a harpoon! Even though I really don't have one right now... I will!" Tom growled, giving the man a warning glare before turning back to Jon. "I need to see if they are okay and make sure that commie doesn't do anything to them. If he does, I promise he'll regret it."

"Commie...?" Jon repeated. Who or what was even a commie? Should I even ask? "Whatever, it doesn't matter. You swapped bodies because of this, er, this machine, right?"

"Yes, but it's broken," Tom sighed. "It will take ages to get fixed..."

"Maybe... you can try to repair it...? I can go - no, I am dead, float - to them and see if everything is fine and then report back to you."

"I have heard better plans before," Tom said with a sceptical look on his face. 

"Do you really have a better idea?" Jon asked, floating upside down beside him.

"Of course I have! I go there and... uh... I..."

"You really have no plan," the ghost noted, facepalming.

"Yeah... but I wonder... do you think that Tord would be able to, you know, see you?" Tom asked, narrowing Tord's eyes. It looked a little creepy with the red robot eye and Jon flinched. Even if he was already dead, it looked freaky. Didn't Tom know how creepy it looked? Wasn't he terrified he would look scary forever with that face? But then again, Tom had had black eyes for his whole life, why would he care all that much about his appearance?

And Eduardo had called Jon a coward a lot, which was probably true. He was a scaredy-cat. Maybe he was just massively exaggerating...

"I don't know... maybe. He is my killer after all. Only crazy people and my murderer can apparently see me. Don't ask me why they can see me, specifically,  I don't even know why you are able-"

"I am not really human, my parents were a blue bowling ball and a pineapple who got shot by a bear because of Matt, so I have always been able to see ghosts. That's why. It's kinda strange I can still see you in this body though. Maybe it's because I am in the body of your killer?" Tom cocked his head a little.

"You have a very, very weird family tree, Tom..." Jon replied, not sure if the other man was joking or not. He wasn't going to test it. "I... uh... think I will check on your friends now... see if they're alright and stuff..."

"Don't do anything stupid," Tom said.

"I think I should tell you that instead of you saying that to me," Jon responded, glaring at him. Tom was really unaware that Jon wasn't some naive moron like Eduardo thought he was. "I'm in no danger, you are."

"Tord's still dangerous. God knows what he's planning. He might try to send the ghostbusters on you or try to manipulate you."

"Do you want to see my rat puppets now?"


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