Tord - Adapting?

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Tord wasn't sure how long they had stayed in that odd parallel universe with their genderbend selves. Maybe one or two hours, maybe a bit more than that. It had actually been... kind of fun. Like back when he was still part of the group, joining every silly adventure they had, even if it was definitely going to end deadly. He felt both happiness and sadness at the same time at the thought. Happiness for being with them again and sadness because he had missed all of this so much. And because something was missing. No, someone was missing. How could he miss the person whose life he stole? It was bizarre.

It was just so weird that he actually missed Tom. Being on an adventure without him didn't feel right. Heck, taking his place didn't feel right. But he had had to do it, hadn't he? He highly doubted his old self, who had been the Red Leader and blown up their house, would have cared a lot about that feeling of guilt weighing in his stomach. So why did his present self do? Simple, he wasn't the same person anymore. His priorities had changed. But he hadn't changed his ways at all. No wonder Tom thought he was probably still the same untrustworthy person he was before.

Now that they were sitting on the sofa back in their own universe again, watching this strange show called 'the Cats', he had time to think and ask himself if it was really good idea of him to do all this. Bjt wouldn't everyone else have done the exact same in the current situation?

"Hey Tom, you are so quiet. You'd usually say a lot more than that and ask for Smirnoff by now. Is everything alright?" Edd asked.

"Oh, it's just that I think a lot about that stupid jeho- er, commie." Don't mess up, idiot! "Don't you think it's-"

"Just kidding, I don't care! Go on with being silent, it doesn't bother me," Edd interrupted him with a grin. Heh, classic Edd. What should he expect from someone who would kill for both bacon and cola?

Oh shit, how would he live without bacon? Tom didn't like bacon all that much, he would rather eat toast, so how could Tord actually survive without any? This would be a massive problem... The ringing of the doorbell interrupted his thoughts.

"Oh, come on! We are watching TV!" Matt whined. "That's just so rude!"

Tord rolled Tom's 'eyes' in annoyance and stood up from the couch, sighing. "I guess I'm gonna see who's there..."

"Alright, but if it's one of our neighbours... don't let them in," Edd responded with a way too serious voice. Geez, he should chill a little. What exactly did those people do that he hated them so much?

The Norwegian arrived at the door and opened it with a sigh, revealing this guy - Eduardo was his name - trying to peek through the letter slot. When Tord saw him being a creep he expected him to turn red in embarrassment and stutter out an apology, but instead he just glared at him.

"I'm... just going to act as if I have never seen this... What are you doing here?" the young man questioned.

"Where is he?" Eduardo asked, completely ignoring Tord's questions. Wow. Even Tom seemed less rude in comparison.

"Er... who?" Tord muttered. Edd glared at him, staring directly into Tom's void eyes. He was stunned at first, but then he gave back a death glare as well. Hell, he hadn't been the Red Army's leader for nothing! He knew how to act tough.

"This friend of yours, dumbass! The one who killed Jon!" The other man clenched his fists, which were shaking. "You know who I mean, idiot. You're hiding him in somewhere in here, aren't you? I have seen him sneaking around the place before, don't tell me you don't know! You are obviously hiding something!"

Tord gulped. Tom had... been here? And he had run into the neighbour? This didn't sound too good. Was he still somewhere in the neighborhood, waiting for an opportunity to tackle down Tord and try to explain everything to the other two? It would make sense... Tord needed to be careful. He couldn't just let his enemy come back, even if he was just in Tord's body, there was the chance of Edd and Matt noticing something was off.

"I'm... sorry, what are you talking about? Haha. We haven't seen that bastard for a long time and we... we would never let him come near us again. We would be stupid. That... er... stupid commie messed up everyone's life! I hate that sucker," the male responded, trying to sound like the person in whose body he was in. And failing. Shit, he was doing a terrible job. He should have listened more closely to Tori's tips or all the information she had givem to him.

"Quit your lies, idiot! I know you are hiding something! You and your stupid roommates have been friends with this murderer for ages!" Oh, this man really fucking hated  him. Tord couldn't really judge him, he had killed his friend after all, even if it wasn't intentionally. That guy wouldn't care. He would definitely try his best to avoid his secret being found out by this guy of all people, who looked as if he wanted to kill him (even though Tom wasn't even responsible for his friend's death). Tord wondered, what this guy would do if he found out the truth. Most certainly nothing good.

"Look, I get that you're furious and I am, too. Tord is a... perverted, unforgivable person that looks horrible and I have never liked him. I want him dead and the others don't have anything good about him to say either. Just check wherever you saw him the last time, but he isn't here, I promise you that. And now excuse me, I have to watch a TV show." He closed the door in front of his neighbour before he could say anything. Eduardo probably thought he was acting suspicious, but who cares? He wasn't lying.

"Who was it? It was not one of the neighbours, was it?" Edd asked, when he came back into the living room.

Should he tell him the truth? Nah, he saw no reason in doing so. If he said anything Edd would most likely search for 'Tord'. He didn't want to give Tom a chance to reveal the truth. No way.

"Oh, it was just some guy asking if this was the house he was looking for. He got lost or something. I told him to fuck off."

"Oh, okay."

"That was a pretty long conversation to tell someone to fuck off," Matt murmured.

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