Tom - Red Army

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Tom had never ever been in a situation like this before. Repairing a stupid body swap machine that was actually meant to be a time machine? He had never done snything like this before. The closest it got to was probably building a new roof with his friends. He was so incredibly bad at repairing things that his friends usually made comments about it. Only Susan seemed to be something he cared enough about to be able to make her look as good as new every time he fixed her. But this... this was a whole other can of worms.

He knew his life as Tom, the person he actually was, was probably depending on him fixing it, but still... How should he repair this thing in the first place? He couldn't even remember how all of it looked like before it had exploded. He hates to admit it, but he desperately needed Tord's help, even though he had already figured Tord wouldn't want to swap bodies back. That guy was a selfish asshole, of course he didn't. He was probably enjoying life to its fullest right now while Tom was left to suffer.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. It was probably meant for Tord, of course it was, so he really shouldn't bother picking it up. Probably another lame plan to kill them all. Why bother?

But the commie was living his life already, wasn't he? Then why couldn't Tom take over his? Nobody would ever notice if he took Tord's place. And knowing at least a little about Tord's secrets would definitely come in handy later.

It was an unknown number calling him. Suspicious. He finally picked up when it rang for the third time. "Hello? It's To-Tord here." Good thing their names were so similar that almost saying 'Tom' might just look like stuttering.

"Tord, I'm glad you're home!" It was a male that was speaking. Tom had never heard this voice before, but he knew Tord. How the hell should he react? Who was this person? What was his reaction to Tord? We're they friends? Coworkers? If he was supposed to call the man by his name he was screwed.

"Uh... Hi."

"Huh? Aren't you bothered by me calling you?" the man asked surprised. "I thought you'd hang up again..."

"Should I be?" Tom questioned nervously. The Brit started to get worried the other man would find out he wasn't actually  Tord. He didn't know the other one's name, and he was sure he sounded suspicious already. Goddamnit.

"Not really... I mean, you quit the army on your own and all, but I wasn't the one who became the new leader, so... I guess not?" The man chuckled nervously. Tord had left the army? Wasn't taking over and ruling the world his one and only dream? Why would he ever give that up? Why? It just didn't make any sense.

"Don't get me wrong, it's your decision if you want to be in the army or not, but just because you failed on your mission to get your giant robot to the army it doesn't mean that you are not wanted anymore," the man rambled on.

"Okay... and what do you want from me?" Tom asked, expecting the worst.

"The army has the perfect opportunity for you, Tord! All you need to do is prove yourself to still be the best leader it could ever have! Right now, nothing is really working as planned... Paul isn't such a good leader as you might have thought he would be and he doesn't like listening to anyone's advice... We need you back as our leader! Please, Tord!" The man sounded more desperate with every second and Tom gulped. He really shouldn't have picked the phone up, it had been such a dumb idea.

"I... er... I will think about it. Thank you for informing me," Tom muttered and hung up.

He stood there for a moment in complete silence until he let out a  scream of frustration and held his hand directly at the phone, just like Iron Man. A blue energy blast shot out of his arm and hit the phone with a loud bang. Small pieces landed everywhere around the room and it smelled like burnt wire. He didn't care about any of that, to him, it was completely unimportant.

"TORD WILL PAY!" Tom shouted. "HE WILL FUCKING PAY!" If Tord got back into the stupid army of his, he would start operating against his old friends, and destroy their lifes even more. Tom didn't get why he would quit being the leader in the first place, but that didn't really matter, did it? The Norwegian was probably ruining Tom's life at this very moment, why shouldn't he take over his and ruin his as well?

Tom wasn't sure if Tord had a job or anything, but the option that was seemingly going to be the most successful was going back into being the leader of the army and making the dumbest decisions possible.

Or he could join the army and kidnap Tord. He had had enough of this stupid commie and his stupid plans. Why couldn't he be the one controlling everything for once?

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