Tord - Hiding doesn't solve anything

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Tord stared down at Tom's shaking hands and watched in pure horror as they slowly started to change, turning into sharp claws with dark purple fur on them, and much bigger then any human hands could - no, should be. He was starting to breathe more and more quickly from how scared he was.

"H-help me," he whispered. To Jon, to his friends, it didn't matter. His shoes became smaller and smaller. Or were his feet just getting bigger? We're they growing? He didn't even dare to look because he knew he'd just freak out. Heck, he was freaking out now. Could he even freak out any more than he already was? Was that possible?

"I-I don't know how! I don't even know what's happening!" Jon replied, starting to panic as well. Tord could feel the fur growing on his arms and legs, possibly even on his face. He wished there was a mirror in Tom's room so he could see how he looked like, but a small part of him, somehow unaffected by the sheer panic, was glad there wasn't.

"Just do s-something! A-anything!" the Norwegian hissed, tears starting to fill his eyes. "It hurts! Ithurtsithurtsithurts!" His teeth sharpened and his eyes... Were they melting? They sure felt like it. "What's happening to me?!" He screamed through the gasps of pain.

"T-tom will know. It's h-his body. We just need you to-"

"No! I'm not g-going to let you get him h-help me! He j-just wants to get his b-body back! Who says he won't tie me up t-to a chair and force me to-" He couldn't even speak normally without choking out the words. The pain was unbearable and he was stuttering as the pain got worse and worse. It just hurt so fucking much. It was unbearable. He just wanted it to end...

"Tord, listen to me!" Jon shouted. "I don't care if you killed me or not, but right now you are suffering! We need to-"

A tail broke through the back of his grey legwear, and moved around. Tord let out a whimper and fell on his knees, covering his head with his claws. "M-make it stop! Make it stop, p-please!" Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He hadn't even noticed he started crying. Normally, it would be quite embarrassing to cry in front of another person, but right now he just didn't care. It didn't matter, did it? Tord just wanted the pain to finally stop. He would do anything to make it stop. Literally anything. Anything except getting help from Tom. He just wasn't able to let go of his pride.

"I can't! I have no control about any of this, Tord! I really don't!" Jon replied, sounding as panicked as Tord was. "W-we need to find Tom! We need to-"

"No!" Tord roared. "He won't help! I need to-"

"Tom? Are you okay?" Edd's voice made the Norwegian monster boy jump. In his panic to keep him away, he quickly grabbed the chair next to Tom's desk and threw it against the door to block the entrance. It scared him and amazed him simultaneously how light it felt. The silence that followed the throw was unnerving.

"Are you drunk again?" Edd asked after a while that felt like an eternity. Okay. All he needed was to calm down, and act normal. Tom's standard of normal, at least. As long as Edd didn't get too suspicious, opened the door and saw him how he was now, everything was completely fine. The pain had finally stopped or he had at least gotten used to the point he barely noticed it anymore. And Edd couldn't hear Jon. Everything was fine. No need to worry. He just needed to stay as calm as possible and act like Tom. And Edd had given him the perfect excuse for his behaviour.

"Uh... y-yeah! I am *hicc* completely drunk! Don't come in or... or I will *hicc* throw things at you!" Tord replied, trying his best to imitate Tom's drunk voice and pretend he had hiccups from all the alcohol. It was a rather weak attempt, but somehow it seemed to work.

"Didn't I tell you you shouldn't get drunk?" Edd sighed. "Tom, that's not-"

"No, *hicc* you didn't," Tord argued. He would remember if Edd had said that. And even if he did, he was sure Tom would absolutely act this way to get out of trouble. He just needed Edd to believe everything was fine, so he wouldn't come in...

"Yes, I did! Ugh, if you are drunk then I guess there is no use asking you to watch the reboot of Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell with me and Matt," he replied, and Tord could imagine his annoyed expression as he said that.

"It *hic* isn't even that good." Of course it was good, but he needed to stay in character. Tom wouldn't like it all that much since Tord liked it. "And this stupid, traitorous commie likes this stuff, remember? Why should I watch it?"

"Wow Tord. You're such a good actor!" Jon smiled, but the Norwegian only grimaced at the ghost's comment. He didn't need compliments from a ghost to boost his confidence, plus he had just turned into some sort of monster. Compliments were useless now.

"If you think so... Just do me a favour and stay in your room until you're sober again, okay? I know you probably won't listen to me and do whatever you want because you are an asshole when you're drunk, but I at least want to have said that."

"Yeah, whatever, Edd." He walked towards the window and tried to open it with his gigantic claws. It was annoying how hard such a simple task was made so hard by these grotesquely large things. Jon chuckled as he started to get more and more pissed and he heard Edd finally walk away from the door. Good.

At last, he managed to open the stupid window and let out a sigh of relief. He felt more confident with it opened, knowing he could escape out of Edd and Matt's sight immediately. But he had no idea how long he would stay like this. Maybe forever? No, he had to search for help. Even if it was from the person he really didn't want to talk to because he knew how it would end. Badly, that's how.

"Where do you want to go?" Jon asked.

The Norwegian hesitated before he answered with clenched teeth, "I guess I really have to go find Tom and ask him about this." With that, he climbed out of the opened window, followed by a curious blue ghost. As if body swap hadn't been weird enough. Now he had this to deal with.

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