Tord - What did you expect? Forgiveness?

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Tord knew he shouldn't expect any of his friends to forgive him. Every single thing he did when he came back the last time had caused them harm, botj physically and mentally. They hated him... not just Tom, but even Matt and Edd. And they had every reason to hate him for what he did. He had acted like a complete jerk and betrayed them for selfish reasons. He wasn't worth being their friend anymore. Even he could tell as much as he wanted to deny it.

But he still hoped they would find it in themselves to forgive him, even though he knew there was a very low chance they ever would. Hoping was everything he could do, he had almost nothing now. Turning back was just impossible. He just wanted to be their trigger happy friend again and live a good life, go on adventures with them, like he did before he joined the army. Everything had gotten so so complicated when they all joined the army.

"...I'm so so sorry," he whispered.

His old friends stared at him in a mix of disbelief and disgust. "Sorry?" Tom repeated, his voice shaking as he glared daggers at Tord. "SORRY?!?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU DID, COMMIE?!?!"

Edd hissed, "You came back, lied to us right in our faces, betrayed us-"

"You punched me in my beautiful face!" Matt shouted, pointing at Tord. "That's unforgivable!"

"Nobody cares about your face, Matt," Tom said, rolling his 'eyes'. "It's not what this is about..."

"How can you come back to us one year after you did all of this, after you told us we weren't even friends, expecting we would just... forgive you?! Do you think we're that dumb?! We're not going to fall for your sweet talk any longer! Do you even have any idea what you did?!Tom was almost killed because of your stupid robot, our... our neighbour Jon DID actually die from a rocket you shot at him and his friends!" Tord stared at Edd. He thought... he hadn't known he had actually killed anyone. In the hear of the moment, being so drunk with power, he had just did whatever, not really bothering with anyone else. But now he found out he did kill someone that day. Jon. Wasn't that the boy he remembered back from primary school? "And most importantly, thanks to you every single Cola with bacon I had in the fridge-"

"Aaaand he's talking about that again. Great," Tom murmured, facepalming. "Seriously, it's just Coke. Get over it."

"I will NEVER get over it! Cola with bacon was finally cheap enough for me to buy! And the day he destroyed our house they stopped producing this stuff! Bacon is the second and Cola is the best thing in the world. I never even got to taste it! They would have been so awesome together!" Edd glared at Tord. "And thanks to you I could never experience what it tastes actually like!"

"How can you be angry about that and not be furious about what happened to my face?" Matt pouted. "He punched it and it looked horrible for weeks! Well, not really horrible, I always look great. But... But he hurt my pretty pretty face!"

"Nobody thinks it's that bad he punched you. One of us would have done it sooner or later," Tom growled. "You're pretty annoying talking about it so much. Aren't you bothered about your collection or something? At least that's something you won't get back."

"...but I am still pretty, whatever you say," Matt muttered, crossing his arms. The eyeless male just sighed.

Tord smiled for just a second. This were the friends he remembered so fondly. But then he realised that he was an outsider. They were talking about the bad things he caused. There was no 2ay to get in again. They were cursing at him through a window, their house locked to protect themselves from him.

'They aren't going to forgive me. I-I shouldn't have expected anything else, I was the one who decided to betray them. I never deserved their friendship in the first place e. It's understandable that they don't except my apology. I am a monster...' he thought, staring at the ground. He felt like crying, but forced himself not to show it. Tears wouldn't help. It would only prove he was a mess.

"Stupid commie," Tom muttered, kicking against his chair. For a moment he was worried he'd fall, but luckily there wasn't enough force behind the kick. "Do you really think we're this dumb? As if you're sorry. You tried to kill me the last time we saw you and I'm sure you aren't too happy about the fact that I destroyed your giant robot. Let's be real, you just want revenge for ruining your world domination plans!" Tord realised they hadn't actually got a look on the scars or the robot arm he now had thanks to the explosion. Hadn't they glanced under his hood? Not even once Hadn't? Hadn't they felt how his arm just didn't feel like a human one when they tied him up? Obviously not, it seemed.

Tom reached out to grab Tord by his collar, but Edd stopped him. "Please Tom, don't do this. He isn't worth it."

And just like that, Matt cut the rope that tied up Tord's arms behind his back with a sharp kitcheb knife. Before the Norwegian even realised what was going on Tom had grabbed his arm, yanked him to the door and literally kicked him out. Tord fell face first on the ground, just feeling numb inside while his scars burned from the impact. He could hear Matt chant, "Vengeance!" Normally he would feel anger, but now there was this terrible numbness he had never felt before. He sobbed quietly.

"Don't even think about coming back, commie! Don't expect anyone to forgive you! You have never been actually our friend, you just wanted power, you said so yourself! Go back to the dirty hole you hid in before and try to rule the fucking world or do something else that comes to your insane mind, but leave us the fuck alone! Be glad we don't call the police!" Tom gave the Norwegian a death glare before slamming the door.

Tears rolled down Tord's cheeks, but he quickly wiped them away. He wasn't supposed to show weakness. He stood up very slowly and limped down the street as he realized he'd cut his knee, feeling even more horrible than he had before. He just wished to be part of the group again. Why did he make that mistake in the first placd? Tord shouldn't have lied, he shouldn't have left them and joined an army trying to take over the world. He just wanted to change his past decisions now. There was hope he could actually do that, but he wasn't finished with the time machine he had in his house yet. It just wasn't finished and at the moment the most it could do was set your hair on fire. He hadn't even made any tests before, so it might actually do something he hadn't anticipated.

He limped back to his house, feeling worse than he had ever felt. They would never forgive him, would they? Sometimes he just wanted to shoot his past self and take his place.

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