None - What have you done?

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Tord groaned in pain. What had just happened...? It took him a few seconds to clearly remember everything. Matt, Edd and Tom, his attempt to apologise, Tom, that idiot, following him back home and accidentally getting his time machine to explode...

The Norwegian opened his eyes. He was lying on his back, staring up to the white ceiling. He felt his right arm was stuck between the ground and some big metal part of the machine, hurting like hell. His leg also hurt (not as much though), like something, probably glass shards or sharp edges of machine parts, had cut his skin open. But wait, wasn't his right arm robotic? How the hell could he feel it hurting? What?

Tord freed his right arm carefully and sat up, although he didn't feel too well. Dizzy and disoriented. He started carefully examining his leg, but it didn't seem too bad. Some sharp pieces cut through the dark blue jeans, but these wounds weren't very deep and would heal within a week if he left them alone.

He stood up from the ground, looking around at the mess the explosion created. Some parts were stuck in dents in the wall and some of his furniture was on fire, like his table or his chair, but that was okay. He still had lots of money from his past job as the leader of the Red Army. He could buy new furniture no problem if he really wanted to. But his machine took priority. Now his poor baby was brutally disfigured.

But he couldn't believe his eyes when he noticed a motionless body leaning against the wall, wearing a black hoodie and dark grey trousers. That... that was him! His own body! But how could he stand right next to his own body?! Was he dead?! Was he a ghost?! He had cuts on his legs and they hurt, so he didn't think that was true. Dead people didn't feel pain anymore, at least not physical pain, that's what he learned when he and the others turned into ghosts on Halloween after a psychopath had decided to hunt them down and kill all of them.

He looked at his body in disbelief before examining the body he was in now. A blue hoodie... Dark blue jeans... Holy shit! The body he was in was Tom's! That would explain the whole situation. He wasn't dead, he had swapped bodies with the eyeless man somehow.

But how did this happen? Was it... was it the explosion of the machine that caused it? The strange light from before? And more importantly, how the hell could he see without eyes?!

He was staring at the hands of his new body, completely speechless, and moved his right arm like he had never had one before. It was just so great having both arms again and moving it without fearing it would have an error and start to do weird things on its own, like set things on fire.

A movement from the corner of his eye made him turn around slowly. The Norwegian was alarmed when his enemy began to move, groaning in pain because of the metal parts pressing him against the wall and a wound at his temple, before the man realised he should probably leave as quickly as possible. He didn't want to find out what Tom would do after he noticed he wasn't in his own body anymore. It wouldn't end well.

Tord knew he would be a coward if he just left Tom here to figure it out himself, but he simply didn't want to deal with any of these problems. If he just went back to Edd and Matt... They were idiots, they wouldn't notice he wasn't Tom. He could go there, pretend he was him and be happy again. He knew it was selfish, yes, but he just wanted to be with his friends again, no matter what he had to do. And it was Tom's fault he ended up here, he was the one who had to follow Tord. He was the one to cause all of this. Tord walked out of the house with an evil grin on his face. Even if Tom showed up at Edd's house, who would ever believe him?

Tom winced in pain. Why did every part of his body hurt so much? And why was his right arm feeling so... so heavy and cold?

He opened his eyes and looked directly at a red, robotic arm lying on top of his chest. What the hell...?

Tom wanted to rub his eyes, but instead of his right arm the robotic arm on his chest moved a bit. He stared at it, tried to move it a bit again... He couldn't believe what he experienced at this moment. This is not my arm, he thought. The Brit was starting to get scared though he wouldn't admit it. What is happening? Why... why do I have this arm? Did that commie amputate it...?

He looked up and glanced around, just like Tord had done before him. "Where the hell is that commie fucker? That stupid bastard..." he growled and forced himself to hide his fear. For a second he was confused how foreign his voice sounded, but shrugged it off as a horse throat. Tom wouldn't show it, especially not in front of his enemy. He stood up and walked through the room slowly, seeking for his enemy, not knowing that he had already left minutes prior. "That asshole..." he hissed, when he finally realised the Norwegian wasn't there anymore. He ran to the door to see if he could find Tord from there.

While running, something on the other side of the room suddenly caught his eye. Tord! He rushed back. "Commie!"

But when he saw that it was just the mirror at the wall, and saw Tord inside it, he frowned. And then he screamed. "What have you done to me, commie?!"

Your body, your life (Eddsworld fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now