Tom - His biggest mistake

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Tom took a sip of his Smirnoff and watched his enemy slowly walk down the street, wondering what that stupid commie would do now. He'd probably try to take over the world again, like he wanted to do when he came back and used his giant robot to destroy their home and almost killed Tom. "Like he's actually sorry", he murmured, tightening his grip around the alcohol bottle. "That commie bastard is never going to feel guilt for what he did. He is too much of an asshole to actually feel bad for anything he's doing. What a faker."

Edd stepped next to him, glancing over his shoulder. "Do you think it was right thing to do?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Tom questioned, raising an eyebrow. "If you think it would have been better to kill Tord I completely agree. I don't even know why I kicked him out when I could've snapped his neck. Nobody would have complained if I had killed him. Except Eduardo for not letting him finish that fucker off."

"Tom, we are not going to murder anyone! He might not be our friend anymore after all that stuff he did, but he was our friend once..." Edd sighed, "Ypu know, maybe we should have forgiven him... Maybe it was wrong to react this way... Who knows what it might cause..."

Tom's eyebrow was raised even higher. "Don't tell me that you actually think he's sorry, Edd. He already told us your and Matt's friendship means absolutely nothing to him! Why should that stupid commie suddenly change his mind?! He has made his decision already and that decision was to betray all of us and have a secret laboratory plus a big gun on legs hidden here to use it against us!" Tom couldn't stop himself from yelling, he just had to let all the anger about his worst enemy out. "He isn't your friend! He was never your friend to begin wirh! He is just another megalomaniac asshole trying to take over and rule the fucking world! And he will sacrifice everything and everyone for his selfish desires, no matter how much he hurts us or everyone else! Don't worry about that bastard, he will only use you in the end! He had his chance and chucked it away. If you let him back into our lives, there will just be a repeat."

"Perhaps you're right... sorry, I just miss the old days," Edd muttered. Having an idea, Tom nodded slowly. He grinned in an almost haunting way. "...Tom?"

"I will follow this bastard," Tom said, "and keep an eye on him. I want to know what he is doing. He's probably already working on a revenge plan."

"Tom, I'm all for us being safe, but I'm not sure if that's necessary. Just leave him alone and he will leave us alone. You already told him we don't want to have anything to do with him and if you go near him he might hurt you."

"But what if he is planning something to hurt or kill us, Edd? Can we really just let him go like that? In the end, he will only try to kill us again." Edd seemed to realise Tom was right.


The two males in the green and in the blue hoodie exchanged looks. "What the heck...?" Tom murmured.

"I should better look after him. I have never heard him say anything more stupid than that," Edd said, rolling his eyes. "Just promise me that you won't do anything stupid today. And if I catch you coming back drunk you will sleep in the garden. I'm done with your bullshit, Tom."

"I promise," he said back in an annoyed tone, before the second part even registered. "Wait, you expect me to do what when I come back drunk? Edd! You can't actually expect that from me!"

But Edd's face expression told him that Edd was completely serious with the things he had said. Sighing in defeat, he walked to the front door, opened it and began following Tord to his house from a safe distance. God, how much he hated that backstabbing mother fucker!

Why was that stupid commie even alive? Tom had lived with the thought of him killing his enemy before and he had been completely fine with it. Tord had deserved, so he hadn't wasted any thought on him. Until he bumped into Tord again and found out the hard way he was still there, not dead like he had imagined. What a disappointment. He wondered if the commie had any injuries from the robot explosion. It had been pretty intense after all. But then he just shrugged it off. Why should he care anyway? He hated Tord's gut and if he suffered any injuries Tom would be more than happy about it. "Why can't he just burn in hell where he belongs?" he asked out loud to nobody in particular.

He followed Tord until the other male reached the front door of a normal looking house and opened it with his keys. While staring at him, Tom wondered for the first time why he was hiding his face with his hood. He might be a wanted man by the police, but he was trying to take over everything, he couldn't care less about that fact, could he?

Watching the Norwegian enter his house, Tom wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't just break in like every maniac in a horror flick. He decided to peak into the house through an opened window first that he could see on the left side of Tord's new home. He quickly made his way towards it after Tord closed the front door behind him.

"Alright, commie. Let's see what nightmares you are planning this time," the eyeless male growled and looked through the window. The house was almost completely empty, safe for some kind of big red machine in the middle of the room. There were a few buttons placed on its left side and a black screen above it. God, what even was this thing?

"Whatever this is it is definitely not good," Tom decided and watched Tord enter the room. For some reason he still hadn't taken the hood of. God, was he back in his edgy phase? His enemy walked towards the machine and began working on it with a few tools.

Tom could have let him be. He could have just walked back home and told the others of his findings, maybe even come back tomorrow, but he wasn't trusting this man one bit. This machine was made by Tord, so it had to be something evil. If not, it was created for an evolution purpose. He needed to destroy it before something worse than their previous fight happened and maybe kill Tord if he tried to get in the way. In his mind, it sounded like a great plan, so he rushed towards the front door to kick it in.

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