Chapter 9

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The nurse walks in and the guys walk out. She helps me get up and then she leaves to get me my lunch. In the meantime, I get in the shower. I really stink. Like bad.

After I'm done I get dressed and walk out. I see she has already put my food on the bed. I lay back down and finished my food. I grabbed my bag that was in the chair and the same guys walk back in.

"So are you ready" the black headed one says.

"Umm yeah I guess so" I hesitate. I walk out and the tall one grabs my hand and kisses my forehead. I instantly pull away.

"What the hell are you doing" I ask. When I say that he looks shocked and I see tears in his eyes.

"I just figured you would remember" then he walked away. Remember what. We're we something. Is that was that one dude was talking about. I stopped I'm thought and I fell someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see a curly hair guy. I guess he saw what happened and gives me a half smile.

"Hey it's alright. We will explain later. And you will understand and remember us".

"Hey were's Clair." I ask.

His face drops and gives me a sympathetic look.

"I don't want to be the one to tell you. So I promise you will find out everything. Okay. Just hold on." Then we walked out and got into a beat up van. It was an awkward drive but then we pulled up to an extremely familiar house. I swear I know this place from somewhere.

I get out and the guys get my things and walk in the house. We're have o seen this place. Oh well. They set my things down on a white couch and go to the kitchen. They all sit down and the blond tells me to sit next to him.

•~Luke's POV~•

That day of the accident I found out the person driving the car was Pauline's friend. She had it all planed out. But I haven't heard from her since then. The guys and I made a deal. To tell her everything, even me cheating. It wouldn't be fair if we lied. Then she would never trust us again. But of course we're going to tell her little by little so she won't get overwhelmed like the doctor said. So anyway back to today. We sat in the kitchen and I told her to come sit but me. She came slowly and sat down.

The very first thing we're going to tell her was the most important. Her sister.

"So Saira, how much do you remember" Calum asked. He was the nicest talker at the moment so we had him do all the talking.

"Well I remember my mom leaving for her business trip to America. I still remember my whole childhood memories though. So again I ask, were's Clair."

"And that's exactly what we wanted to talk to you about, you don't remember but you ar-, were going out with Luke, but then yall got into a fight. So you went to America. Both Clair and Luke came to apologize and you forgave them. But when they were coming back there plane crashed. 7 people died and your sister was unfortunately one of them" Calum explained.

Her face dropped. She tried to say something but then she chocked on her words. Tears came rolling down her eyes. She went upstairs and ran into her room. Which was the first one going upstairs so it was easy.

If she can barely handle this, I wounded how hard the next news are going to hit her. I screwed up bad. This is all my fault.

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