Chap 2

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Sanskar saw Nikhil being carried away on a stretcher. He was being carried away to MAGICAL HEALING HOSPITAL. Sanskar knew this name well. It was the hospital where Ram and Laksh worked.

Sanskar too rushed there. He had to complete the formalities as eyewitness. It was the toughest thing to do in his life, tougher than signing the divorce paper while pacifying a crying Ashna in his lap.

Sanskar reached hospital. Ram rushed towards him along with Laksh.

"You are fine na?" Ram was afraid.

Sanskar nodded. His eyes asked for Nikhil.

"He was declared brought dead." Laksh informed him.

A tear rolled down from his eyes while imagining the scenario again. It was his fate which Nikhil took upon him.

Suddenly he heard people getting silent. He turned just to find a middle aged man along with a girl whose only long hair were visible to him.

"Dr. Shekhar! Dr. Swara!" Ram came towards them.

Sanskar understood who they were. His heart sank deeper because he knew what was about to be happen. He did not have courage to even lift his gaze and take a look at the face of Swara.

" Sir! What happened?" There was a concern mixed with urgency in the girl's voice.

"Ram! Please tell us.!" It was man who said these words.

Sanskar knew it was him who had to deliver this news to them. He took a deep breathe and finally looked at the girl. But seeing her only weighed his heart down again. She was all decked up in a green coloured lehangA. Her long hair which were below waist length were open. Her hand still had heena on them waiting to be dried up.

Sanskar saw her face for the first time. It was not that Sanskar had never seen more beautiful girl in his life, but she was the most innocent looking girl he had ever met. With her big eyes, she was asking about his love.

" Nikhil is no more. He did the supreme sacrifice for nation." With lots of difficulty, he said these words.

He expected Swara to let out a cry but she was standing still. She was trying to grasp what had Sanskar just said.

On the other hand, Shekhar held his chest with his hands and sat on a bench.

"Dr. Shekhar!" Ram ran towards him. Everyone started to tend him and their attention diverted towards Shekhar.

"He had just recovered from a heart attack." Laksh informed and wheeled him inside a ward. There were few people standing along with Sanskar.

Swara was still standing as if she didn't know what had happened. A nurse tried to shake her but she didn't. She didn't even say a word.

"Dr. swara!" Sanskar tried to say something when Ragini came rushing there.

"Sanskar Bhai! You okay?" She asked.

Sanskar nodded and then signed towards Swara. Ragini stared at her with unbelieve.

"Swara!" Ragini tried to shake her but no results.

Sanskar knew he had to do something. He held Swara's hand and lead her to mortuary. His heart was sinking by just imagining what was going to be happened but he had to do it anyhow.

Swara followed him just like a machine. Sanskar stopped near Nikhil's body and took a deep breathe. He uncovered his face.

For a moment there was complete silence. He looked at Swara who held his hands tightly. And suddenly her grip loosened. Her tears fell over Sanskar's hands. And finally she cried.

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