chap 8

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Song was on it's pace and Sanskar was dreaming of Swara. In last three days, Sanskar went to meet Swara at least twice. Once, for the nutritional query regarding Ashna and once, well, he foegot that excuse. So when he entered her cabin, and she looked at him with her swan like eyes, he fumbled and tried to attend a call. Alas! Phone slipped from his hands.

"You should ask her out, just once!" Laksh tried to force him.

"Otherwise! She will think that ATS had gone mad when they appointed you as chief!" Adarsh pinched him.

"She is 5 years younger than me! Do you think it will gonna work?" Sanskar asked, though, he desperately wanted them to agree

"Love is by heart! And she really needs someone! After Nikhil's death, a void has been created in her heart. Someone needs to fill that up." Adarsh said.

Sanskar nodded. But in his heart, he still felt the guilt for what happened to Nikhil.

Next morning, Sanskar was taking deep breaths. It was nearly lunch time for Swara. He was waiting outside her cabin waiting for her to come out.

And she came out and headed towards cafeteria. Sanskar ran and stood in front of her.

"Mr. Maheshwari! What a pleasant surprise!" Swara smiled.

"Yes! Actually, I was thinking.... I mean Laksh told me,.... Actually Adarsh Bhai asked me to.... No, ma has forced me...." Sanskar was fumbling with words.

Swara laughed. Her laughter tinkled in Sanskar's ears. He had heard her laughing for the first time.

"Woh .... Would you like to have coffee with me? Evening, 7 p.m.?" Sanskar finally asked

"Sure! But why were you so nervous?" Swara was confused.

"Nothing! I will pick you up, 6:30!" Sanskar said and turned. In his heart, he was doing a happy dance. His heartbeat were at maximum speed. He feet were disobeying him and tapping to the beats of his heart.

At 6:30, Sanskar came to Swara's place. Dressed like a gentleman, he pressed doorbell. It was Shekhar who opened the door.

"Mr. Maheshwari! Please come!"

Sanskar was again feeling a little more nervous. It was easy to ask a girl. But facing her father! Had someone told him that earlier, he would have called her to the cafe instead. But now, mice was trapped.

"Swara told me about your meet." Shekhar was smiling.

"Uncle!" Sanskar said, "If you..."

"Are beta! It's not a big deal!" Shekhar assured him, "I know you are a gentleman!"

Sanskar smiled.

"I saw her smiling at with her eyes today, after a long time! She is broken but not shattered. Please don't do anything which will shatter her!" Shrkhar's tone got a little heavy, "I am her father. And I have went through your age too. Whenever Sharmishtha used to come in front of me, I also used to fumble !"

Shekhar's wink made Sanskar relaxed a little. He deank water and looked at Shekhar, "I assure you!"

From the back, Swara came dressed up in a purple calf length dress. Her long hair were left open. Sanskar felt his heart skipping many beats at the same time. He didn't even want to blink.

"Should we leave?" Swara asked. Sanskar nodded.

"Papa! I have made kofta for uttara and you all and explained to kamla kaki everything. Take your medicine on time. And i will be back by...." Swara was giving instructions when suddenly Shekhar cut her short, "No need for time boundation. And leave your worries regarding us here only."

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