Chapter 16

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Sanskar freed Swara from his embrace. Her eyes were closed. She was in a deep slumber. He placed a kiss over her forehead and went outside.

"Ma! Where is Shekhar uncle?" Sanskar asked.

"He was discharged this morning only! We have informed Ayush. He is on his way." Sujata informed.

Sanskar nodded.

"Where are you going?" Annapoorna asked.

"Sanskar's wrath is dangerous. That Kabir is gonna face it soon!" Durga Prasad said with a smirk, "Beta! Leave some of its part for me too."

Sanskar nodded. But now, his eyes were red with rage. How dare he touch Swara! How dare he slap her! How dare he tie her up! How dare he threw water on her face! How dare he treat her that way!

The murders of alap and Hemant were just a little contributing factor. But now, Swara's involvement in all these things escalated it too far.

"Sir!" Ali came in between, "You please take rest! You are not in the condition!"

"Don't stop me now! You have seen her condition na! You have seen the way he treated my Swara!" Sanskar was gritting his teeth.

"Sir! But you can't utilize your full potential on him." Ali tried to explain him.

Sanskar removed his wrist watch and the ring he was wearing in his hand, "It's good that I will not be able to utilize my full potential. Otherwise he would not have been alive by now!"

"Can I join you too?" Ali asked.

Sanskar folded his shirt's sleeve and smirked, "Sure Ali!"

It was just half an hour when Kabir was lying down. But his eyes were still shining with pure hatred. There was no remorse.

Sanskar held his hair, "You know Kabir, this half an hour was for Alap and Hemant! Now you imagine what would happen to you when I take revenge from you for the pain of Swara! Imagine and be terrified!"

Kabir smiled, "I wish I could have killed her earlier. But my child, he caught pneumonia. It prolonged her life. Imagine what would have happened when you have seen the body of your beautiful love, cold! Imagine and be terrified!"

Sanskar's blood boiled.

He was about to show his some more skills when he received a phone call. His forehead frowned.

After sometimes, he took Durga Prasad to his car.

"What happened beta?

"Bade Papa! I need your help!" Sanskar said, "Badi ma! May be yours too!"

Both of them were confused. But they followed him.

Sanskar's face was serious. Duga Prasad's too.

"I sense something very fishy!" Sanskar said, "I know I have to be calm but when it comes to my family, I lose my sense."

"And that's why you called us, right!" Durga Prasad said.

"Let's go to meet Dr Shekhar then!" Annapoorna said.

"We should wait till dawn!" Durga Prasad said and started again when he saw Sanskar's mouth opening to say something, "No beta! Trust me! Dr. Shekhar haf just undergone angioplasty. He needs rest."

"Yes beta! Swara would have never aproved of this!" Annapoorna too agreed.

Sanskar, though reluctantly, but agreed. He came inside the building. Ayush was sitting on a bench outside. With his hands covering his face, his body was limp.

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