Chapter 32

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Swara was staring out of window from her room. Moon was shining bright in the sky. Bright light had illuminated her face. The skin that used to glow, had now lost it's sheen. The eyes which used to twinkle were now dim. Though tears had dried up from them now, emptiness had taken their place.

She turned to find the bed with bedsheet well draped. Not even a single crease. Afterall Swara had not slept on it since one and a half year. It was either couch or Ashna's bed for her.

She opened the closet just to look at the gift and letter that Sanskar gave her on their anniversary. A faint smile appeared on her face. She placed it on her neck by herself and looked at her reflection in mirror. Smile disappeared suddenly as she discovered 13 missed calls from Laksh in her phone placed over the dressing table.

Her heart beat faster. She forgot to remove her phone from silent mode. Before she could took the call, a loud knock on her door startled her. The fear of worst made her hands go cold.

"Swara! Open the door!" It was Ragini.

As soon as door opened, she saw Ragini with an emotion which was so complex to decipher. Her eyes filled with tears, her face had a great worry and urgency, but her lips were trying to twitch with a smile.

"What happened?" Swara asked.

"Why were you not picking up the call? You know na that Laksh is on night duty today!" Ragini almost scolded her.

"Sorry! I.... What happened please tell me!"

"Sanskar bhaiya! He has opened his eyes Swara! He is back!" Ragini blurted out in one go.

Swara could not speak anything nor she could react. She looked at Ragini and tried to understand what she said.

"Swara! Your belief won!"

And then Swara felt herself being wrapped in a bone crushing hug. It was when she realised the meaning of Ragini's words. Her body started to shake a little. she looked at Ragini freeing herself from the hug.

"Sanskar.... Is.... He... Coma!" Her lips could not even say full sentence.

"Yes! Yessssss!" Saying so, Ragini shook her a little, "Swara! Sanskar bhaiya is back!"

Swara could not maintain her balance. She almost fell on the floor and tried to grab her heartbeat.

"Swara! Your penance became fruitful. What better gift can you get for your birthday!" Ragini was understanding her emotions.

Swara just nodded. Happiness too, can be overwhelming. And Swara was overwhelmed too. She wanted to cry. She wanted to dance. She wanted to run to het Sanskar and she wanted to lose herself in this moment too. And then, after a long time, she felt her heart a little lighter. As if all the burden of it was flowing through tears.

"Wipe your tears Swara! We have to leave!"

Each and every moment of the way from home to hospital seemed like a century to Swara.

"We will inform elders tomorrow!" Ragini said when Swara tried to inform Sujata.

"I can't believe that Dr. Apoorva can stoop so low!" Adarsh said who too was accompanying them.

Swara did not reply. She was going through multiple emotions at the same time. Rage over Dr. Apoorva, gratitude towards Rajat, and above all, a strange lightness over her heart. There were no tears in her eyes right now, just a hope twinkling.

Swara did not realise how fast she was walking. Staff was greeting her but as if she had a deaf ear for everyone today. All could understand her situation well. Afterall, they all were a witness to her journey. They all owe their lives to Sanskar in one way or another.

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