Chapter 44

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Sanskar came out of maya's cabin thinking about her words. When nothing felt right to him, he went to the one who never did anything wrong. Standing in front of temple, he was just removing his shoes when he saw a mother hitting her child. And after hitting him, she herself cried.

"What happened?" Sanskar asked though he did not know her.

"We don't have anything to eat sir. And this boy is continuously asking for food." Lady was almost on the verge of crying.

Sanskar forwarded some money to her.

"Sir! I won't take money for free. This is not in my values."

Sanskar took back his money and looked at her in amazement. He then smiled a little and said, "Take this. Not for free but for the exchange of washing my car. Then will it be okay?"

Lady looked at the car. It was not at all dirty.

Sanskar suddenly took some mud and spread it on the bonnet.

"Now it is so dirty. Is it fine?"

Lady smiled a little and said, "Sir! I pray all the happiness to you and your loved ones. You are really an angel of God to me. I asked him to send an angel so that I can fulfill the stomach of my child. And you are the one."

Sanskar felt more like a devil to himself. The way he was behaving with Swara was very wrong. But his decision, was it really right?

He stepped inside the temple. Goddess was smiling at him. But as soon as he sat foot in the temple, he felt a strange sensation in his head. Suddenly, everything became black in front of him and the same feeling of falling in an endless tunnel took over his senses.

And then a beautiful bright light. Life was standing in front of him with the beautiful blue dress. She was smiling at him.

Sanskar was shocked again.

"We don't have much time Sanskar. I was trying to communicate with you for a long time but you were too overpowered of everything that I couldn't penetrate your mind."

Sanskar stood shocked.

"Am I dead?" He asked.

"No! I came here to talk about your lifeline. Your wife." Life said.


"Sanskar! That flower of life inside her is wilting. And the one who is responsible for taking care of that flower is shying away from his responsibility."

Sanskar stared at deep words of life. Before he could ask another question, life stopped him.

"Sanskar! There is still time left. Take matters in your hands." Life said.

As if someone removed all the darkness from his eyes at once. He saw a few people staring at him. He understood that he fell unconscious in the temple.

"Sir! Are you fine?"

Sanskar looked at the familiar voice. It was Ramesh.

"Yes I am! Did not know why ....!" Sanskar couldn't complete his words. Because he knew and understood why he fell unconscious.

Pujari ji forwarded him a piece of prasad.

"Beta have some sweet. You will feel good." Pujari ji said.

Sanskar bent his head and took the prasad. His heart was full of gratitude now. Before even telling his problem, God answered him. Before even begging in front of Him, He gave the solution. With a strong mind, he stood up.

"Sir! I think I should drop you." Ramesh said

"No need Ramesh. I am fine." Sanskar said and forwarded him half of his Prasad.

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