Chapter 45

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It was early in morning. Sanskar woke up before alarm. After his training, it was the first time he woke up at 4:30 in morning though he set up alarm for 4:45. He took a glance at Swara sleeping sweetly in her bed tucked in blanket. After last evening, she came back to the room late at night, and slept facing away from him. Sanskar did not talk to her. She will be needing a little time off from him and that's alright.

Tiptoeing gently, so that Swara could not wake up, he got dressed in his tracksuit, took his yoga mat and went outside. He went to kitchen for having some herbal tea. And without even realising, he saw a dark figure in kitchen. The figure was moving silently.

"Thief! That too in my house!" Sanskar chuckled, "Maybe my terror has been diminished."

Saying so, he held the person from behind.

"You forgot whose house is this!" Sanskar said dangerously. The man was struggling hard. But unable to say anything as Sanskar had closed his mouth tightly.

Sanskar saw a familiar looking bracelet in his hand. It was of Laksh.

"Oh! So you have already done a little of your work." Saying so, he tightened his grip and dragged the man out of kitchen. There was a little light coming from laksh's room. And then, door opened. Ragini was standing in night gown yawning.

"Laksh! How much time......!"
And suddenly, she stopped in middle. She saw Sanskar holding that person.

"Sanskar bhaiya! What are you doing?" She exclaimed with alook of amusement on her face.

"Ragini! This thief had stolen something from your room. It was good that I cane here on time. Don't worry! I will tackle him."

Sanskar was so busy in his action that he did not notice Ragini's face getting the colours of tomato while trying hard to suppress her laughter.

"Sanskar bhaiya! This is Laksh!" Ragini managed to say. Her laughter was now evident.


Sanskar left Laksh at once but he heard a voice of something falling down.

"What was that noise?" He asked.

"Me! It was me IPS officer!" Laksh said. He was lying on the floor massaging his throat with his one hand and head with another. He was glaring at him with killing and murderous gaze.

"What on earth were you doing in the kitchen this time?" Sanskar asked. He forgot to give him hand to support him to stand up.

Laksh stood up and glared at him, "My house! My kitchen! I can do whatever I want! I did not know that you have become so paranoid that your own brother may look like a thief to you!"

It was Sanskar's turn to laugh.

"My neck! Oh God! Ragini, sorry! I couldn't complete your coffee demand! My brother's love overshadowed yours!" Laksh said grinding his teeth.

"Coffee! This time?" Sanskar asked.

"Bhai! I asked him for a surprise coffee date at 4:00 a.m.!"

Sanskar looked smilingly at Ragini. This gesture waa cute. In his heart he blessed them for their love.

"By the way! What were you doing?" It was Laksh's turn to ask.

"Yoga! Meditation! That's why!" Sanskar said.

Expressions changed on both Ragini's and Laksh's face.

"Anger management?" Laksh asked.

Sanskar nodded.

Morning breeze was cool and soothing. He smiled as the sun's red rays beautifully covered the sky. With rising sun, he promised to work on himself. He promised to not let his anget overpower his emotions ever again.

He entered his room to find Swara awakened already. As soon as she looked at him, she lowered her gaze. It ponched him a little but he was expecting this only. Actually he deserved much worse than this and he was ready for accepting that too. He was ready to accept anything from Swara as his punishment.

"Good morning Swara!" Sanskar said with a smile as bright as the sun.

Swara looked at him while combing her hair. Without saying anything, she again lowered her gaze.

"I know you are hurt. I have done a crime. And for that, whatever punishment you have for me, I am ready to accept. You take your time. It's all your choice now. I won't force you for anything. But I just want to assure you of one thing that I am working on myself now. And I will work everyday for becoming better version of myself." Sanskar said this in one go. Without even waiting for her answer, he went into washroom.

When he came out, Swara was not there in room. With a smile, he looked at himself in mirror. Promising for a better Sanskar than ever, he went to his duty.

Duty was hectic today. There was no appointment with Maya today too. Although he had informed her about his changed decision.

Evening fell over. Due to duty, Sanskar did not get the time to eat anything whole day. He was feeling a lot irritated. But this time, he was conscious about his thoughts and words.

He took bath with warm water as soon as he came back. He needed to do things to calm himself down.

He stepped out of washroom to find a scene which irritated him again. Ashna had spread colours on the floor of his room. And in the corner, Swara was standing with fear evident in her eyes.

Sanskar got his irritation at the peak. Swara signed Ashna to go out of room and closed the door. She was really expecting something worse from him. With a looked of guilt, she turned her face towards him

"Sorry! I will clear this mess in a minute. Calm down please!" Swara was saying, "It's not Ashna's fault. It dropped fromm my hands."

Swara was terrible in lying. She was just trying to hide Ashna's mistake.

Though Sanskar was raging, he was feeling a guilt in his own heart too. How could he let such a silly mistake of anyone overpower his love for Swara! His lady love was trembling in fear in front of him and he was allowing that! Noways!

"Swara! No issues! Don't worry! I will clear this mess!" He said. And with these words, he felt his anger vanishing immediately. A sense of gratification developed in him. But Swara, the look on her face made Sanskar smile.

"You sure! I know you are angry! I am so sorry!" Swara misjudged his calmness with more anger.

"Yes I am! I am angry on myself that I made a girl like you so fearful! And I hate myself for that!" Sanskar said with a smile again and with a broom, he cleared all the mess. Putting the broken glass in lid, he turned towards Swara again, "And I threw that Sanskar in dustbin."

Sanskar saw thr eyes of his wife, unable to believe the words. Maybe she was not able to believe him. He did not say anything. He knew she needed proof and it would take some time to proof her. Just because she was his wife, did not mean that she could not get hurt.

"Let's have dinner! You too wash your face and come down. I will be waiting for you downstairs." Sanskar said and went away.

It was night. Sanskar was waiting for Swara to come back in room. He was reading a book. After a long time he touched books. Reading was his hobby and he stopped doing that a long time ago.

But he didn't realise when his eyes closed. It was 4:30 in morning when he woke up again. He realised that his book has been kept on the side table, he had been tucked comfortably in comfortor, and his glasses were kept away on side table too. He smiled a little realising who did this. Smilingly, he turned his face to look at Swara. His heart instantly sent gratitude to universe for this beautiful gift in his life.

The day was uneventful. Though Sanskar realised that it was hard to control anger at times, he was determined to do so. Afterall, it was for the one who was the light of his life.

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