Chapter 31

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Hii guyz! Sorry for not replying to your comments. But I seriously love the way you all are loving this story! Thank you so much!

I am trying to keep my story as close to reality as possible. And in reality, comatosed patients do not get up fit and fine the very next day of waking up. It takes months to get better and be like before. So don't be disheartened to read next chapters and bash me. Love to all!


Swara had just came out from NICU. A newborn just died during resuscitation. The worst part of her job was to tell this to the mother.

Sanskar saw Swara closing her eyes. Only he knew how fragile her heart had become. He then took a look at the family of the child, eagerly waiting for the good news.

As Swara delivered the news, the family present there started to accuse her. Sanskar thought to intervene but stopped knowing his voice would be unheard.

Swara and the staff were trying to calm them down.

"Yes! It's easy to say calm down for you na! Have you lost anybody? I wish you feel it sooner! I wish you feel what it's like to lose somebody so close to heart!" Mother was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Only the father of child was in senses. He looked apologizingly at Swara who just smiled a little at her words.

"I am already facing that!"

And with a humble gesture, she moved away from there. Sanskar then saw the nurses explaining the family about Swara's condition. Family looked apologetic.

Suddenly Niya came to him with a smile.

"Why are you so happy today?" Sanskar asked.

But before Niya could say anything, her soul started to disintegrate. Sanskar understood everything and just waved a goodbye to her with a smile. Finally she would be able to meet her family.

Maya too looked happily at Niya. She felt good seeing a little girl being able to live her life again.

This was the routine of hospital. On one side someone was crying tears of sadness while on the other side, another family was dancing with joy due to recovery.

On one side, a mother was crying for her lost son and on the other side, a mother is crying in labor awaiting her child.

On one side, a person was thanking God for saving the life of his loved one and on the other, doctor was being blamed for death of a relative.

Sanskar saw Swara emerging out from other room that day. She had just saved a newborn. Family started to thank her heartily. The grandmother of the child blessed her wholeheartedly.

"God give you all the happiness in this world!" Her words again met with a helpless smile of Swara.

Suddenly, a group of interns encircled her. They were followed by some more staff.

"What?" Swara asked.

"Happy birthday ma'am!" They exclaimed in joy.

Swara suddenly remembered the date. It was her birthday.

Sanskar's soul hit his head. Time flew so fast. He didn't even remember the her birthday.

"My birthday! Who told you?" Swara was surprised.


Swara turned and smiled to find out Ragini and Laksh standing there. Followed by them, were Ram and Sujata. And then, whole Maheshwari family.

Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder. It was Ayush.

Swara tried to smile as much as she could. When they sang the birthday song, she tried to smile. When they gave her gift, she tried to smile. But her heart was still lost. She was lost even in the crowd. Her lips were smiling but eyes were still empty.

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