Chapter 49

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Swara stared blankly at Sanskar as he narrated the events to her. When he completed, she did not say anything and again engulfed him in a hug. This hug was not passionate but more out of fear of losing him. The image of Sanskar falling down on ground when he was shot in front of her, made her restless.

"I will not go anywhere! Nothing will happen to me!" Sanskar assured her with a kiss.

Swara nodded but did not believe. She knew the dangers of his job. She knew the limitation of his job. But she couldn't accept the fact yet that everytime Sanskar went out for a mission, could be the last time she was seeing him.

"I know it's your job. But my heart gets anxious everytime I think of it. I have seen the pain of losing you so closely."

Sanskar tightened the hug. He could sense her fear and she was right in her place too.

"Swara! Will you believe if I tell you something?" Sanskar said.

Finally the time to tell her about his soul's journey in comatosed state had come.

After few minutes, Swara was staring at him with her eyes wide opened in amazement. The details which Sanskar gave, were so accurate. Nobody could know this except the one who was physically present there.

"It means.... It means you were with me all the time!" Swara said with a deep amazement.

"I have seen your fight. And it was because of your belief only death did not take me away. Your hope strengthened the life inside me. I know Laksh and papa, both gave up on me. But it was you, who was fighting against all odds, just for me!"

Swara's widened eyes closed and before they could open again, Sanskar kissed them lightly.

"I have seen death. It's bad only for bad people. But for those who have a pure heart, she is beautiful and calming. So I am not afraid of death anymore. The only thing I am afraid of is how the people who love me, will react to my death!"

Sanskar's words resulted in tightening of Swara's hands around his arms.

"What should I say Sanskar!" Swara sighed and again looked at him, "I don't want to lose you ever!"

"You will not! Trust me! If something bad happens to me na...."

Swara stopped him in middle.

"No Swara! Let me complete this. If something ever happens to me na, remember I will always be there."

Swara nodded. Her eyes shining with tears, she held his hand and placed a kiss on his palm.

"Why to spoil the present for an uncertain future?" Sanskar said lifting her chin.

After a long time, both Swara and Sanskar slept together feeling a sense of bliss around them. As morning sun approched the night, Sanskar woke up . Without disturbing Swara, he got ready for the day. His pistol and other weapons were kept securely in their place.

He then looked at Swara, still sleeping soundly. For a second, he did not want to go. But his commitment for his country came in between.

Gently, he patted her hair.

"Good morning!" He said as she opened her eyes.

"You ready?" Swara asked.

"Yes! I love you Swara!"

"I love you too always!" She replied and hugged him tightly.

"May I leave?" He asked

"Yes! I will be waiting for you in the evening." Swara said and planted a kiss on his forehead.

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