Chapter 7

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Uttara felt a tight tug over her arm. This tug was rough.

"Who the hell..."

"Shut your filthy mouth, Dr. Uttara Bose." Sanskar was boiling with anger.

"Oh! The new saviour of my di!" Uttara chuckled.

"Rape! Do you even know what does rape mean!" Sanskar said dangerously, "I don't know why do you hate her, but at least have some compassion. Rape is not a joke."

Uttara chuckled again, "I just said it was a possibility. And even you can't deny. She doesn't remember anything. Maybe it was not rape. May be consent would have been there na."

Sanskar was taken aback at once by her words. She was talking so low of her own sister. He was in a great disbelief.

"She is your sister."

"I don't consider her. I was better off without her." Uttara again said.

"You are jealous of her." Sanskar, capable of reading emotions through eyes, reached the conclusion.

"Jealous! My foot! She stole Nikhil from me. I loved him and he loved her. And then came you, I got a crush over you. And then, here you are, the hero di's life." Uttara said and stormed away.

Sanskar felt the difference between two sisters. Swara, so pious and calm, and Uttara, jealousy at it's peak.

He turned to find Ayush staring at him, "Thanks for confronting her. She didn't attend even di's engagement out of jealousy. I remembered how badly she cried that day."

Sanskar nodded, "How is Dr. Bose?"

"Fine now! Sleeping!" Ayush replied, "Why did you directly confront her? Who is di to you that you didn't thought to even ask me once about everything?"

Sanskar was speechless. He too now realized that he could have asked Ayush about everything.

"Uttara di had a huge crush over you since the day she saw you in Nikhil's funeral. But your care for di has made her more bitter. You did right to confront her." Ayush smiled.

"She can be proved dangerous to Swara. Keep this thing in mind." Sanskar was concerned.

He moved out of hospital. His whole plan of apologizing went flop. But a new problem had stood in his way, he had started to feel the same way for Swara as he used to feel for Kavita.

He was sitting in his room when he heard a knock. It was Sujata.

" You haven't had your dinner. So I thought to bring it here you know." Sujata smiled and and took a spoonful of dal and rice.

"I am not hungry ma!" Sanskar said and looked away.

"Should I make something else?" Sujata asked.

"No! It's not like that. I am..I am just ...." Sanskar didn't have words to express his feelings.

"Laksh told me something." Sujata said.

"About what?"

"Dr. Swara Bose!"

Sanskar turned at once hearing her name, "Ma! Laksh is an idiot."

"May be it's you who is showing the idiocy, my son!" Sujata placed the plate on table and came near him, "Kavita was your past. Hateful, but past. You know very well that I never liked her, and so was every Maheshwari except you. We all agreed just because you loved her. But Swara, she is really loveable. I have met her twice in hospital in these days. Despite her health, she always try to be as humble as possible. I like her."

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