Chapter 26

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2 hours back.....

Sanskar felt himself falling in a tunnel as soon as he closed his eyes. The pain was gone. He was feeling lighter than air. Suddenly he felt a soft tug on his arm. The tunnel disappeared. In the place of it, he could see a garden filled up with flowers. The flowers of the kind he had never seen. A gentle fragrance mixed with cool refreshing breeze touched his face.

He suddenly looked at himself. He was no longer wearing the black suit he remembered. Draped in a white, soft gown like dress, his wounds were gone.

"Where am I?" He asked himself.

Suddenly, dressed in a black gown, a beautiful girl appeared in front of him.

"You chose me! So I took you with me!" She smiled saying so.

Suddenly another beautiful girl wearing a blue gown came in front of him glaring angrily at the girl in black gown.

"It was not his time!" She said.

"But he chose me!" Black gowned girl was adamant.

"So what? He needs to go back!" Blue gowned girl said.

She held Sanskar's hand and suddenly, he felt the same sensation of falling through a long back tunnel. And when his eyes opened, he saw him in the same pediatrics ICU. But there was noone. Blood and shattered glass was covering the floor.

"Am I dead?" He asked the girl in blue gown.

"Your time has not come yet!" The girl smiled.

"But who are you?" Sanskar was confused.

"Life!" Girl answered.

"And who was she?"

"Death!" Life answered again.

"But she was.... I mean I have heard death is hideous. But she was beautiful and gentle!" Sanskar was again confused.

"For those who have black hearts. You gave up your life for others. How can she be horrible to you. It is an honor for us to escort people like you between world of living and dead!" Life smiled again.

Before Sanskar could realize, he was standing in operation theatre where his body was being operated. He saw the tearful eyes of Laksh and Shekhar as they put away the instruments.

"Laksh! Control yourself beta!" Shekhar was saying while his eyes too were brimming with tears.

"Sanskar! My brother! The thing I was dreading has finally happened! I can't forgive myself for my entire life!" Laksh fell on the floor of operation theatre with his hands holding Sanskar's limp hand.

"I need to inform Swara!" Shekhar was shaking too.

Sanskar got confused too. He could see his body breathing. But he, as his soul was standing right there.

"It seems it's quite late!" Life answered.

"What do you mean?" Sanskar asked.

"When a soul stays away from body for ample of time, body becomes uninhabitable for the soul to reside anymore." Life sighed, "I did not want this for you."

"Now what?" Sanskar was very confused.

"You have to wander here, within the boundaries of this hospital, watching everyone, hearing everyone, touching everyone but they will not be able to do so!" Life sighed again.

"And till when?" Sanskar asked.

"Till your body either heals sufficiently or stops breathing!" Life looked miserable now.

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