Chapter 25

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Swara fell down near Sanskar. She couldn't control her body more. Neither tears nor words were escaping now. She was feeling numb and lifeless. She sat carefully and kept Sanskar's head in her lap gently. With her dupatta, she wiped his face. The dust, the blood, the tears, she wiped it all gently.

"Durga Prasad! Your pride is dead!" Jackson laughed evilly.

Durga Prasad clutched his chest and was about to lose his control when Ramesh held him tightly.

"Using someone's helplessness is the extremity of cowardliness." Ali yelled in a heavy voice.

Jackson was so engrossed in his triumph that he and his men forgot to see the troops landing inside from the smashed window.

As soon as Jackson saw those troops, he put gun on one of the child's forehead. But these were quicker. Within minutes, situation was under control.

Durga Prasad ran towards Sanskar. Ali followed him. All the troops had just witnessed the extreme level of sacrifice. The respect they had in their heart for Sanskar had increased thousand folds.

One of the doctor came running. He checked Sanskar and looked at Durga Prasad with a hope in his eyes.

"He is alive! We cannot lose hope!" He said. His heart too was filled with gratitude. It was due to Sanskar and Swara that they were alive.

Durga Prasad came near Swara and patted her hair, "Beta! We have to take Sanskar from here na! He needs surgery immediately!"

Swara's mind gain a little consciousness. She looked at Durga Prasad and nodded. Ali and Ramesh took him from there. Everyone ran behind him. Swara too ran behind them. She didn't care how many times nurses tried to held her when she fell down. She didn't care of her wound bleeding. She didn't care of glass pieces stabbing her feet. She ran behind Sanskar as if someone was trying to take him away from her.

Shekhar was standing in front of operation theatre. Uttara was there too. They were outside busy helping the patients when they heard of this news. And who was better cardio thoracic surgeon other than Shekhar himself!

He saw troops coming with Sanskar. He then saw Swara running madly behind them. Shekhar held her in between.

"Papa! Sanskar! Papa save him! I let him die! Papa save him! Save him papa please!" Swara hid her face in his chest and cried hard. Shekhar signed Uttara. She nodded.

"Beta! I will try my best!" Shekhar assured her. But even he knew there wasn't any chance.

On the other side, Laksh was in a distraught state. He was holding hands of Ragini.

"I had never imagined that one day, I had to operate my own brother. I never knew this Ragu!"

Ragini looked at him and kissed his forehead, "It's the time to perform the duty of a doctor. He is a patient right now who needs your assistance."

Swara was sitting holding hands of Uttara. The guilt was overcoming her senses. The fact that it was her who chose his death, was killing her inside. What would she say to Ashna! How would she face Sujata! How would she face Sanskar!

"It's me Uttara!" Swara muttered, "It's all due to me!"

"No! You just did what was right!" Uttara tried to convince her.

"I should have tried a little more to convince him to kill me! Hai na! I didn't give my 100%!" Swara was blabbering lost in herself.

Ali, who was watching her from a distance, let tears escape from his eyes. Ramesh offered him water and looked at him looking at Swara, "Sir! Sanskar sir's condition is not good! I have heard a nurse saying so!"

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