Chapter 10

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Swara saw Ram coming out of emergency room. His face was shining due to drops of sweat. She immediately ran towards him.

Ragini was asking about Sanskar. There was a distressed look over his forehead.

Swara felt her heart being wrapped in a black blanket of darkness. She was unable to see the light in her life. Her heart was sinking with every breath.

She came near Ram and looked at him with a lot of questions. To which, his tears gave the reply.

"Sanskar bhaiya has inhaled a lot of smoke. And his core temperature is very high too which by any means, is not ready to get lower." Ragini informed.

Swara just nodded. She was unable to understand her next step at this moment.

A police officer came near her. Swara looked at him. It was Ali.

"I know you don't know me. But I know you." Ali said while forwarding glass of water to het, "Sir loves you so much. He will be alright."

"How.... How did it..." Swara was not even able to frame a question.

"There was a bomb blast in the function. There was an internal breech in security. But, due to good strategy of sir, almost everyone present there came out even before the blast. But when blast happened, sir saw Shweta, Nikhil's sister, was struck amidst fire. He didn't even bothered to call for help and jumped in the fire. He gave his own oxygen mask to her and safely sent her out. But just when sir was about to get out from there, another blast happened and door collapsed trapping him inside. I don't know what sir thought at that moment, but he took out his cell phone and dialed a number. But didn't talk to anyone. Till the fire rescue team came, he fell unconscious. We brought him her as soon as possible. And rest of all you know."

Swara was listening Ali's words but in her mind, she could picture everything clearly. She could feel his pain as hers.

"At what time, this.... this happened?" Swara asked. Her voice was shaking now.

"Around 4:45!" Alo replied.

Swara felt her heart sinking once again. But this time, it sank deeper than ever. This was the time when Sanskar called her and she, she ruthlessly cancelled it. Sanskar felt his end was near and he wanted to talk to her, one last time. But she cancelled the call.

Swara held her head in her hands. She was cursing herself greatly. Tears dropped from her eyes.

Suddenly, she felt a hand over her shoulder. It was Shekhar standing right in front of her

"Papa!" Swara could not say anything further. She just stared at him just like a child.

"Shhh! Nothing wrong will happen." Shekhar said and took her near Ram. He was sitting in a disheveled state on a bench.

"Dr. Ram!" Shekhar called him gently.

Swara left the two friends to console each other. She then looked at Ragini who was holding hand of Laksh. Her gaze fell over Sujata, standing along with Annapoorna. A mother's state could not be described in words when her son is in danger.

She came near Sujata. In her heart, she knew that Sanskar can never tolerate the tears of his mother. Had he been fit, he would have wiped her tears and made her smile anyhow. And Swara knew what she had to do!

Sujata waa crying while Annapoorna was trying to calm her down wiping her own tears.

Swara came near them.

"Sanskar never wanted you two to cry because of him. When he wake up na, he will feel bad." She said innocently.

Sujata looked at her. She was standing holding two glasses of water.

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