Chapter 21

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Morning was full of happy faces in Maheshwari Mansion. Little Ashna was finally happy to see her father awake, but was still wondering about the drips and bandages covering his body. Sujata was busy taking care of each and every need of Sanskar. Everyone else was trying to manage their day to day activities while accommodating their time to visit Sanskar's room twice or thrice since he gained consciousness.

"Ma! Where is Swara?" Sanskar asked. He had not seen her since morning and it was 4 o clock in afternoon.

"She came to check you! But you were sleeping!" Sujata told him, "Then she got an emergency call from hospital so she had to run!"

Sanskar's face became dull. He so much wanted to see her, but couldn't. He felt a little bit annoyed from her side. She should have been with him, but she was not.

It's been 9 in night but he had not seen Swara even once. He was now becoming desperate for her. He was already irritated for feeling so weak, and Swara's absence was irritating him more.

And finally he saw her entering his room. She was looking exhausted than ever. But as soon as she saw him, a smile spread on her lips. A smile so lovely which could melt anyone's heart. But Sanskar's heart was not of anyone else.

"How are you?" She asked lovingly caressing his forehead and planting a kiss over his palm intermingling her fingers between his.


Hearing the cold reply from him was unexpected. Sanskar freed his hand from hers and looked away.

"Sanskar? What happened?" Swara asked gently.

"Nothing!" He replied and closed his eyes.

"You are angry?" She tried to ask.

"I am not feeling good. I need to sleep. Good night!" He said while closing his eyes.

"Listen to me please!" Swara pleaded

"Go and have dinner! Then have a good night's sleep! Good night Swara!" Sanskar said and turned his away once again.

Swara was left speechless. She was wondering about the mistake she did. She tried to ask him what happened, but he did not reply again, pretending to be fast asleep.

Swara went away. Sanskar could decipher from the sounda of his fading footsteps, that she was really tired. He felt a little guilt. Sujata had told him already about Swara's care for her when he was unconscious.

"I will make everything alright when she will come back to room!" He promised himself.

He waited for her. He waited with his drowsy eyes for as long as he could. He could not let Swara sleep with her heart heavy. But she did not come. At least as long as Sanskar was awake.

Next morning, Sanskar was awaken by his daughter's kiss over his forehead.

"Papa! I love you!" She said as he opened his eyes.

"Love you too beta!" Sanskar replied and looked at the time. It was 11 in morning.

"Sorry! Bunny asked me not to wake you up. But I wanted to talk to you." Ashna said.

"Ohh! Where is you Bunny then?" He asked.

"She went to hospital." Ashna replied.

Sanskar again felt anger in his heart. Swara should have at least wished him Good morning before going to hospital. But she did not! Sanskar's irritated state was boosted up with the dose of anger.

"Beta! What happened? You look dull!" Sujata asked seeing Sanskar not talking properly in afternoon.

"Nothing ma!" He replied but his heart was filled up with increasing anger for Swara. She didn't even ask how was he! He knew how much his duty meant for her but didn't she got a little time to at least ask for his meals!

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