chapter 35

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It was evening when Sanskar was having tea with Sujata. Little Ashna was sitting near him doing her homework.

"Swara is not in the condition to come here." Sujata spoke, "Her fever has not yet lowered."

"All because of me!" Sanskar sighed and patted Ashna's head. She turned around and gave a furious look to Sanskar.

"Oh my God! I am so scared." Sanskar acted and chuckled, "What happened beta?"

Ashna turned towards Sujata and said, "Bunny mommy was right. She told me to scold you if you say these words."

Sanskar chuckled a little again. Swara did the preparation to scold him even in her absence.

"Ohh! So what else your mommy has taught you?" Sanskar asked cuddling her in his arms.

"Dadi! Tell papa that I am not allowed to talk to him if he doesn't say sorry!" Ashna was trying to throw fake tantrums.

Sujata laughed at her and ruffled her hair. Making Ashna again busy in her homework, she spoke again, "Swara still feels guilty for your condition Sanskar. And now, when her father is not talking to her, she feels alone. Its not like that we don't love her. But the love of father and mother can not be replaced. She is alone emotionally. She healed you and now, it's your turn to be her support."

Sanskar nodded. He knew this thing. He had seen her crying in her cabin when he was comatosed. He had seen the transition in her charm. The eyes were still innocent, beauty was still there but she looked like a beautiful sad melancholy. The face had hidden a great deal of trauma. Eyes had hidden a great deal of sadness.

Next morning, Sanskar's eyes opened with the familiar voice who called him lovingly.

"How are you Sanskar?" Swara was standing there smiling through her pale face.

"Why are you here?" Sanskar asked as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Because I am your wife!"


"What?" Swara glared at him.

"I mean you are not well na. Look at your face. How pale you are looking!" Sanskar toned down his anger.

"Who told you?" Swara said forwarding her hand to him and making him stand up.

"Come on Swara! I am weak but my eyesight is not!"

Swara handed him his brush and patiently waited till he came out of washroom.

"Why Swara?" Sanskar again asked her.

"Do I need to tell you the reason?" Swara smiled and forwarded him his cup of coffee.

Sanskar sighed. He knew the reason well. But didn't say anything. He wanted to be angry and loving at the same time.

Breakfast completed in silence. Sanskar was at loss of words. He preferred keeping his lips sealed to avoid his anger overcoming his love.

"I am sorry!" Swara finally said, "I know I shouldn't have been here. Trust me, I wouldn't have come but ma, badi ma, bade papa, ragini, pari bhabhi, everybody is down with viral. Out of them, only I was somewhat better."

Sanskar laughed a little and opened his arms engulfing her in a warm hug.

"I would have done the same." He whispered.

Swara smiled and forwarded him meds.

"Have you taken yours?" Sanskar asked.

"Yes! Promise!"

Her smile was everything to him.

Days passed like minutes now. Sanskar was almost fine now to be discharged and today was his discharge day. Laksh finally held his hand and asked, "On your legs or wheelchair?"

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