Chapter 13

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Sanskar woke up next day. His head was feeling heavier than ever. Last night was full of nightmares and each played only one scene repeatedly, Kavita snatching Swara from her.

He looked at his phone and as usual, he wondered how Swara could sense everything. Her good morning message was there along with a cute candid photograph of them.

Another message too was there from her, NOTHING CAN SEPARATE YOU AND ME. I AM YOURS, ALWAYS!

Sanskar made a call to her. She was in a hurry but picked up.

"Good morning!" She said.


"You okay?" She asked.

"Absolutely!" He lied.

"See! I am on rounds of wards. Can we meet in evening?"

"Sure!" Sanskar said.

But it came out as a hectic day for him. Some suspicious activities were going on in the city. There was a strange abduction of a businessman. And some suspicious links of him were related to a terror group, THE KNIGHTS.

Sanskar frowned a little. This case was quite different. This was not as it seemed.

Ali reported, "There were fingerprints on the door. But these are not related to any record of criminal we have."

"It's an international organization! We have to contact international police!" Sanskar ordered.

His mind was working faster. In last 4 years, he had not seen any suspicious activities related to this group. But 4 years before, when this group was most active, they caused a havoc all over the country. Murders in Surat, Ahemadabad, Bhopal, Delhi and abduction of people all over the country. Usually they abducted only bright minds. The brilliant minds in every field. They extract their knowledge and either force them to work with them or if denied, kill them.

The last time they were active, Sanskar was in his training phase. But he himself dealt with their head in a one to one combat. It was due to him, that the group members were captured. But some girl too played a part in this capture. He had never met her in person, neither knew her name. Noone revealed her name due to security purposes.

Few years back....

A young Sanskar, full of enthusiasm and adventure, finally managed to capture the chief. His interrogation was going on.

"Why are you laughing?" Sanskar got confused.

"You can't keep me here for more than half an hour!" He smirked, "And then, you will die a painful death."

"It seems that fear of mine made your mind insane. Good for you!" Sanskar said but his phone rang suddenly.

"We have to leave him, immediately!" This was the order of Chief Minister.

"Why sir? I mean...." Sanskar was confused.

"Do as I say!" More than order, there was an urge in his voice.

He cancelled the call and looked at The Chief.

"His daughter in law was in labour, you know!" Chief smirked.

Suddenly senior officer came inside.

"Sanskar! CM's granddaughter , just born prematurely. They have captured the hospital in which she was admitted. They are threatening to switch off the incubator and let her die a slow painful death if we don't release him."

Sanskar frowned a little. How could they stoop so low!

"So now, please leave me. You don't want to be the reason of a newborn's death." Sarcasm in hia voice made Sanskar's blood boil. But he was right. No newborn deserve to go through such a fate.

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