Chapter 51 (epilogue)

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It was early in the morning. Sanskar woke up. The effect of sedatives had wore off. Sanskar opened his eyes. He was sure to find Swara in the room. But he was not expecting the other two persons in the room with her. One was Ali and second was Laksh.

Wondering how hospital let 3 person inside his room at night, he looked at the time. It was 5 in morning.

"Sir! You need anything?" Ali asked.

"No! But why you all did not go to hotel? I mean I could see security at the door. You must be tired." Sanskar said in one go.

Ali smiled. He took a stool and sat near Sanskar.

"Would you have left me alone had I been in your position?" He asked.

Sanskar smiled in reply. He then looked at Swara and Laksh. Swara was on the couch, her head on the arm rest, slept in an uncomfortable position. Whereas, Laksh was on another couch sleeping in same uncomfortable position.

"It was futile to ask Swara mam to go back to hotel. So none of us dared to. And Laksh sir's flight landed at 1:30. He directly came here!"

Sanskar smiled. He just stared at the two human beings. Realising how blessed he was, he looked at Ali.

"Was Swara tensed?" He asked.

"You yourself know the answer! Sujata aunty made her eat dinner on the video call tonight. Whole India knows about the incident. Media was too quick this time."

"Do they know about Swara?" Sanskar asked.

"No! We concealed the fact regarding her safety. People know that you sent the file by some other measure and presented yourself as a bait for distracting them." Ali told him, "I am afraid but that lead to more enemies accumulating against you."

"I don't care. Until I have people like you, a wife like Swara and a family like mine, I know nothing is gonna happen to me."

As morning came, so was the news of discharge of Sanskar. Reaching hotel room, first thing he did was to video call his family. Sujata was visibly tensed but a little satisfied seeing him back in hotel room.

"Ma! I am fine!"

Sujata nodded and smiled amidst her tensions.

As Sanskar cancelled the call, he saw Swara staring at him with a smile on her face. This was the first time she got some time with him, without anybody's disturbance. Even Laksh went to other room. He knew what privacy meant at this time for husband and wife.


As if she was waiting for him to call her. Immediately running to him, she hugged him tightly. There were no tears today. Only calmness and contentment. The hug was warm and safe. Sanskar placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You fine?" He asked.


"Ali told me what you did to those goons last night. I am impressed Mrs. Maheshwari!"

Swara laughed lightly.

"I never knew that your long hair will help me in this way."

Swara hid her face in his chest. Sanskar tightened the hug. The hug felt like home to him.

Many people came to meet Sanskar as he came back to his home. Ravi, Shweta, Rama, Maya, Rajat everyone.

But amidst them, was standing a face, which had lost all colours due to shame and guilt. It was Shekhar.

"Sanskar! I am sorry!" This was all he could manage to say.

In reply, Sanskar just nodded. He looked at Swara but found a different kind of strength in her eyes.

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