13. Begin

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Things haven't been fixed, and wounds are still yet to be healed, but crying together felt like an ending and a beginning. Our tears washing everything away from the past few weeks and giving us a clean slate to try to build upon. We still have things to work out, and I haven't completely forgiven Jungkook yet, but deep in my heart I know I never wanted to leave him. I never wanted things to end between us. He vows to do better and work on communicating when things get tough, I suppose only time will tell if he sticks to his words.

We woke up on the couch still tied up in one another's arms. He got me to finish all of my food and then he gave me some sort of vitamin tea he had in the refrigerator. He cleaned my face up and washed all of my dried tears away and did the same for himself.

Jin arrived as he said he would, but not empty handed. He brought a bag full of ramen and other instant meals. If I didn't have the strength the cook anything else he says these would be easier. I really don't know what I would do without him.

"Come back with us," Jungkook says as he and Jin get ready to go.

"What?" I ask surprised at his suggestion. "You mean like, go home with you?"

"Yeah, I want you to come with me. Just for a little while? I'll bring you back home." He looks at me with expectant eyes and after a bit of hesitation, I figure what's the harm.

"Ok, I guess I could." I throw on something a little less drabby and grab my purse on the way out the door.

I had never been to their home before but it has no shortage of security. Honestly it's relieving, for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I care so much about all 7 of the guys that I'm happy they can go home and feel secure from anyone that may try to get to them or do them harm. They don't seem worried about being seen bringing me home with them either. While they all have their own private spaces they still share their common areas like the kitchen and living room. It reminds me of college dorm suites, but a million times more spacious, luxurious, and high class.

Jin gives me a hug and tells me to knock on his door if I need anything. I'm almost certain he's going to be playing games all day so we leave him to it. Jungkook shows me the kitchen and living room which look finer than any place I've ever been in before. It's amazing the level of luxury they live in, yet they remain so humble and down to earth. Lastly Jungkook takes me to his room which honestly looks the way I would guess it would. There's figures of comic book characters, a very nice computer, and no shortage of electronics all around the room.

"I'll take care of you," Jungkook says walking into the bathroom. He comes out with an armful of cosmetics and dumps them on the bed next to me.

"What is all of this?" I ask looking at all of the face washes, skin creams, and other products.

"I made you cry so much, all over your beautiful face. I want to fix it. I want to fix everything that I caused." He gently rubs my face with a moist towel.

He grabs a bottle of cleanser and rubs some on my face.

"If I break something, I have to fix it," he says massaging the cleanser into my face.

I'm a bit stunned, but then I feel flattered, loved, and cared for like a princess. His gentle and delicate strokes make me forget everything. He cleanses, rinses and dries my face then completes his spa facial treatment on me.

"Sit over here," he holds my hand and guides me to sit in a massage chair in the corner of the room. Then he opens a mask pack and places it on my face. "20 minutes. I'll be back." He presses a few buttons on the chair which starts to vibrate and gyrate all over my body. Before stepping out he hands me a large Cooky plush he had sitting on the bed and shuts the door behind him.

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