22. Fear of Happiness

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My time in Seoul has been amazing so far. Living with Jungkook has been a dream, and being just one floor away from the rest of the guys gives me easy access to bother them when I know they're home, or join them for a meal if Jin or Yoongi are cooking. I try not to be a pest, but they always assure me that if they were tired of me they would let me know.

Jisoo has quickly become one of my best friends, even Jae has joked that she's taking me from him and at the same time I'm taking her. We've gone out to eat many times and even spent a couple of Friday nights drinking at the karaoke bar.

This Saturday Jisoo invited me to go wedding dress shopping with her. Even through her text I could tell how excited she is. As a gift Kookie offered to pay for her dress and Jae's suit, which took me by surprise because I never thought I'd see the day that he'd be nice to Jae in such a way. Jae tried to decline, as the macho man he tries to be, but Jungkook insisted.

The two of them are by no means nearly as close as Jisoo and I have gotten, but they've gotten close enough to enjoy each other's company while Jisoo and I are doing whatever it is we're doing on any particular day. It makes me very happy.

The guys are going down to Jeju for a shoot Friday morning so I wake up a little earlier than usual to make some travel snacks for all of them. I haven't learned very many Korean recipes, but I learned how to make gimbap and they seem to love it. Tae especially.

"Noona, you're the best!!" Tae says giving me a kiss on the cheek and taking the bag of food from me.

"There's enough in there so make sure everybody gets some." I say hugging him as he bounces out the door.

"Go back to bed," Yoongi says trying to nudge me out the door.

"You're welcome for the food," I say.

"Thank you," he says. "Now go back to bed. You're cranky when you don't sleep enough. Get some rest before you go to work." He quickly scurries down the hall so I can't call him out for once again for being sweet and caring. He can have a blunt way of speaking, but I can always tell it's out of love. He just prefers that I don't point that out out loud.

"Love you too, Yoongi!" I shout down the hall making him walk even faster. I love teasing him.

"I'll let you know when we get there," Kookie says walking up to me.

Although we've been living together he still has a lot of his stuff in his old room, however he only stays there when they have very early mornings or incredibly late nights. He says I make it hard for him to want to leave so it's easier if he's staying with the rest of the guys on those days. He may not admit it, but I know he really just misses being there with his hyungs sometimes. I personally think it's adorable and I love that he only needs to go up a floor whenever he's feeling homesick.

"Be safe and have fun," I say giving him a quick kiss.

"Stay out of trouble." He says kissing me once more and joining everyone else down the hall.

I don't know why he would say that, I always stay out of trouble. Except when I drink...and when I'm with Jisoo.

Saturday is just the perfect storm for me to get into trouble. Jisoo chose a very popular bridal shop to look for her dress. The place is so great that they even serve wine to the brides-to-be as they shop.

It's seems like an odd thing, but from a business standpoint it's pretty amazing. Get these brides-to-be sauced enough to buy anything put in front of them.

Jisoo is nervous at first, but after her first glass of wine she loosens up. She came into the shop unsure if anything would look good on her, but that wine was enough to bring her confidence out.

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