18. The End?

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It turns out once the company caught wind of the bogus article the guys chose to leave rehearsal a bit early. I wish they hadn't because now I'm more angry that MinLee's bullshit has caused them to stop what they were doing when they have 2 shows to perform this weekend and have been adamant about keeping their rehearsal schedule.

It's frustrating for me and I know it has to be frustrating for them. I start to wonder if maybe I'm becoming more of a distraction to them, they don't need this right now. I know it's not my fault that she's out of her mind and spreading rumors to fuel her delusions, but I feel like I haven't really helped the situation. They need to be focused on their comeback, not me.

"I think maybe I should go," I say triggering a wave of concerned and surprised faces among them. "I think I'm just becoming more and more of a distraction and you guys don't need this right now."

"Why would you say that?" Jungkook asks with puppy eyes. "You're not a distraction. None of this is your fault."

"I don't know, I just feel like all of this, and me being here all the time really isn't helping anything."

"We're barely even here," Yoongi chuckles. "And when we are we don't even notice you."

"I...I don't know if that's an insult or not." I chuckle a little knowing just what he means, but his almost back handed comment could come off as insulting to someone who doesn't know him any better.

"You know what I mean," he says smiling and shaking his head.

"You're not in the way of anything. We just want to make sure you're ok," Joonie adds. "We're used to this. It's still irritating, but this isn't the first time and won't be the last that we have to deal with this type of stuff. But you haven't had to deal with this shit before."

"How do you guys deal with this all of the time?" I ask hoping for some tips that I could use, cause right now I'm still wanting to do things that will get me put in jail.

"The company takes care of it," Jin shrugs. "It's frustrating, but we trust that it will all be worked out."

"Do you think I'll get in trouble? I mean your manager saw everything."

"Jeez you worry too much," Yoongi huffs playfully. "Go to bed!"

How am I not supposed to worry? I know the article doesn't name me specifically, but it wouldn't take long for anyone, especially the company, to piece it all together. Would they protect me the same way they protect the guys? I feel like I'm much more expendable than they are. I can't help but worry.

After some more reassurance from all of them they each go off to their rooms one by one, a few of them grabbing a snack before retreating. Jungkook and I remain on the couch a while longer and nibble at my dinner that I was barely able to get a bite out of.

"You guys really didn't have to cut your practice short for this," I say to him, still feeling some way responsible.

"Well," he says with a mouthful of gimbap. "What are you going to do about it now?" He's cute even when he's being a smartass. I could slap him with my lips right now.

"I mean it though. I would have been fine."

"I had to make sure you didn't try to go chase her or something. I know how you get."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I don't want to have to correct your behavior again," he says leaning within an inch in front of my face and sending chills down my spine. I haven't fully recovered from the last time and the thought alone is making me sweat. "Let's get ready for bed." He grabs my arm and pulls me up from the couch.

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