9. Stars

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Saturday afternoon we finally touchdown in Seoul. This is my first time traveling with them and I had no idea how much of a spectacle their arrival at the airport would be. I knew there would be media and the possibility of fans waiting to welcome them home, but I think I underestimated how many people would actually be there.

The boys are taken away in another direction as the rest of us claim our bags and go our separate ways. As I step outside I see Jun waiting for me. He'd been such a great help when I was last here and he's very kind and caring, so I was happy to see him again. So much so that I gave him a big hug which surprised both of us.

I spent the entire ride asking Jun about what he's been up to since I was gone. I learned that he's married and in the time I was away he welcomed a new baby boy. He looks so full of joy when he talks about his family it's adorable. I make a mental note to get him and his wife something nice, as well as a gift for the baby.

I won't say talking to Jun about his family is making me think things about Kookie, but it's not not making me think things. I shouldn't get ahead of myself though.

Thankfully we arrive at my home away from home and he ushers me in before I can go deeper into my foolish thoughts. I'm staying in the same house I was in last time. It's seems Hybe bought the property recently to use for their traveling employees, and occasionally as a shooting location. Since I'm apparently high on the totem pole, I always get priority in this house no matter whose in town. The only changes the company made after buying the property is adding a keypad to the front door so I won't have to keep up with a key all the time, and changing the furniture a bit.

After Jun leaves I unpack my things and get comfortable. I don't plan on doing anything this weekend. The guys will be off for the next two weeks, but not me. I go right back to work on Monday so I'm choosing to take it easy this weekend.

I realize the kitchen is yet again lacking in food. There's some ramen and bottles of water so at least I can eat today and pick up a few things tomorrow.

Then again, I should know better. I should know that Jungkook would arrange for groceries to be delivered at my door. I should know that he would text me a few recipes to try since he thinks I can't or at least don't cook. He's the absolute best.

I return to the Hybe office Monday morning and receive warm welcomes from all of my colleagues that weren't with us in Japan. I make it up to my office still a little shocked that I even have one of my own in a place I only visit every so many months. When I open the door and turn on the light I see a vase sitting on the desk with a bouquet of colorful cosmos in various shades of pink and purple. It's beautiful but there's no card or note telling me who it's from.

I step out and ask one of the marketing team members if this was a welcome back gift or something. Her saying no makes me a little embarrassed that I asked, but then I realize it's probably from Jungkook.

I go back into my office and take a picture of the bouquet. I send it to Kookie asking him if he sent them.

>Kookie: No, I didn't send those.
>Kookie: You sure it wasn't from the rest of the team?
>Me: They said it wasn't that's why I thought it was from you.

Kookie doesn't respond right away so I don't think much more of it and get right to work. Although it's been months, I feel comfortable settling back in. About 20 minutes later Kookie texts me back.

>Kookie: It's him isn't it?
>Kookie: He's the one that bought you the flowers??

He doesn't have to say a name, I know he means Jae. I didn't exactly think about it. Not that it's completely far fetched that he would do that now that I know he has feelings for me, but I didn't think he'd send me flowers all of the sudden when he's seen me this whole time in Japan.

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