23. Ramen and Soju

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As afraid as I had been this entire time, I'm surprisingly elated after our public display in front of nearly the entire company. It's like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I feel so much lighter. The entire room seemed stunned silent, and I fully expect a lot of chatter to go on behind my back, but so far everyone is acting as if nothing happened.

Jungkook is especially happy about everything being out in the open. Hiding for so long had been weighing heavy on him, but now he's much more at ease especially when taking me out. I'm still a bit worried about the public and how they'll react, but I'm glad everyone at work is cool about it.

Days here seem to go by quicker when I'm not worried about having to leave, I love it. Weeks fly by like nothing and before I know it, it's fall again. Kookie has a rare Thursday night of freedom before he's off to do more of God knows what. There's always a meeting, shoot, rehearsal, performance, or general appearance scheduled for them. I don't know how they manage and my only logical guess is that it's in their DNA. They're not human, I swear.

Tonight is the premiere of a new Marvel movie that Kookie has been excited to see. Since this day off lined up perfectly for the movie's release he wanted to be there for the first showing right at midnight. I've always been a Marvel girl so I love that I'm with someone that's just as excited as I am.

Just as any other happy couple, we hold hands, share our theater treats, and give each other loving kisses on the way out after the movie is over. I love the nights when we can go out on normal dates together. For just that moment we can feel like any other couple.

We get a short few hours of sleep after we get home. I'm sure we would have gotten a bit more sleep, but making love takes priority over everything.

The next evening he has to take a flight to LA for a few shoots and tv appearances. It's always hard being away from him, and these two weeks are the longest I'll be without him since I moved to Seoul.

I go upstairs to see Kookie and the rest of the guys off for their long flight. As always I have travel food for them, and since they'll be in the states I packed them a bag full of ramen and snacks that they won't be able to get in LA.

After going back to get some more sleep and waking up close to noon, I make myself breakfast and sit in front of the tv as I normally do. I'm just waiting for the next few hours to pass then I should be hearing from Kookie letting me know they landed. In the meantime I flip through tv channels looking for something interesting.

I manage to stumble across a channel that appears to be talking about the guys. I can never resist watching or reading reports about them because they're always being praised for something and it makes me so proud.

It turns out this news report isn't exactly what I thought it'd be. I assumed they would be talking about the guys going to LA and the things they have coming up. Instead it's a report about their dating life. Specifically Jungkook's.

While we haven't been bothered by anyone so far when we've gone out, it seems someone at the movie theater decided to take pictures of us while we were there. They show pictures of us holding hands and sitting cuddled together during the movie. The most damning pic, is of course one of us kissing sweetly as we left the theater.

I knew it would only be a matter of time before the public found out, but I was hoping it wouldn't be like this, at the hands of someone taking pictures without our knowledge. I can't help but wonder what other pictures are out there that we don't know about. It makes me feel a bit unnerved and violated.

Of course I can't just leave it as is, I had to pick up my phone and see if the news has hit Twitter yet, and it definitely has. "Jungkook's girlfriend" is trending and my heart begins racing as I start reading all of the tweets discussing this mystery person with Jungkook who's clearly not Korean. I was so afraid of this.

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