24. Busan Boy

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We arrive in Busan after a 5 hour scenic car ride through the country. I'm nervous and excited about meeting his family and getting to see the place where he grew up.

The city is gorgeous and quite colorful. Jungkook has us staying in a private rental house right near the beach. The view of the pristine sand and clear ocean is to die for. It's a little too cold to get in the water, but I'm excited just to be able to take a walk in the sand and enjoy the calming sound of the waves.

I know Kookie is tired from driving all the way from Seoul, but he still seems excited and full of energy. We start off by getting lunch at a restaurant near the beach. It's not one of his childhood places, but he assured me he'll take me to those places tomorrow when we go see his family.

I'm still nervous as can be about meeting his family. He says they already know plenty about me and I don't have anything to worry about, but I guess the nerves just come naturally. Kookie jokes that it's not his family I have to worry about anyway, it's his dog Bam. According to him, no one gets accepted into the family if Bam doesn't approve. I know he's joking, but it actually makes me feel better. I've never met a dog that I couldn't befriend. Challenge accepted.

After our amazing seaside meal he takes me to a spa for a couples massage. I feel like royalty being pampered like this. I've never had a real massage of any kind, but I couldn't ask for a better first experience than with Kookie next to me.

When we step in to the room the lights are dimmed and there are a few lit candles and incense burning all around. There's calming music playing at a low volume and the entire room smells like green tea and chamomile. I already feel relaxed and I haven't even laid on the massage table yet.

"How's this to calm your nerves?" Jungkook asks wrapping his warm arms around me before our masseuses make their way into the room.

"I love it, Kookie," I say leaning up to give him a kiss. "I've never had a massage like this before."

"Then this will be a great experience for you. I just want you to feel completely relaxed, you deserve it."

"What makes me so deserving?" I joke. "My anxiety has carried me this far, I think I've been doing good."

"You're a mess," he laughs. "You're deserving because your mine. And if you're going to be mine forever then I will always treat you to the best things."

"So even when I'm an old wrinkled mess in 30 years, you'll still be treating me to the best things?"

"Of course. It doesn't matter how old you are, my wife will always get the best from me."

I wish we weren't in public, and I wish the masseuses hadn't just entered the room, because that man was very close to getting another type of massage from me, but I'll save that for when we get back to the house. He never fails to make me feel loved and adored. Something I've never really experienced before.

Our massages get underway and I feel so relaxed through it that I nearly fall asleep right there. It seems Kookie was feeling the same way, but he wasn't able to fight his sleep off as I did. Before I know it I begin to hear him snoring and I can't help but giggle. Poor baby was so tired after all of that driving.

Once the massage is done we're left in the room to get dressed, but first I have to wake him from what sounds like a very good sleep judging from his snores. I hate to wake him when he looks so adorable like this, but we can't stay here forever.

"Maybe I could drive us back," I suggest as we make our way out to the car. I haven't actually driven myself anywhere in Korea yet, but I did get my license once I moved here.

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