We Broke Up

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Jihyo's POV

"Come on, everyone! It's time to go home!"

Everyone's getting on the van we rented. Though exhausted, everyone is still has a huge smile on their faces. It has been a while since the last time we gathered together for a vacation. Most of our college friends came and enjoyed the two days, one night escape from the busy city. I was walking ever so slowly and noticed one person has yet to approach the vehicle, I crane my neck to verify if he is one of the people waiting in front of the van but he was not there. I turn around and as soon as I did, I saw him walking from the back then our eyes met.

Suddenly, everything feels in slow motion. He stared hard as he approach me and I'm just standing still on my feet. Then I woke up from my senses when my phone vibrated in my hand, it was Jin; my colleague. I answered the phone thinking it might be related to work and when I raised my head again, he walk past me as if I was not there at all. 

I blinked a few times and turns to watch his retreating back full of coolness. I was a little flustered but I have nothing to say. I don't understand but I feel anything but okay at that moment. Strange, why am I suddenly concerned?

"Hello, Jihyo?"

I turn away again to focus on what Jin has to say.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

"I'm already here at the front of the hostel you told me. I brought my car so we can directly head back to the company."

"Yeah, I'm on my way now."

I ended the phone call and look back at the van where most of my friends are already inside; only he remains outside and was about to go in too. I hesitated for a moment but decided to just send my goodbye in our group chat instead. I walk away without looking back.


Yoongi's POV

"Come on, everyone! It's time to go home!"

I was walking from the back, observing all my former classmates get on the van. We met after a long while to enjoy a short vacation together. I was supposed to pass the invitation but Hobi insisted and I lost my argument with him. I have a very good reason for not coming, however, I have no energy to disclose it to him so I just show up as expected.

She too, as I have heard was supposed to not attend our get-together. But Nayeon insisted hard until she got her persuaded. As I watched her walk slowly approaching the car, I can imagine the reason why she doesn't want to be in the same place as I was. However, because both of us doesn't want to look like the guilty ones, we both came and acted as if everything was fine. I put a short distance between her and me so we can breathe more comfortably. However, I cannot avoid staring at her back, old habits die hard and before I know it she turns back and our eyes met.

In that brief seconds, I tried so hard not to show my emotions. I just stared at her as she stared at me and when it is becoming too much, she pulls her gaze away only then did I start breathing properly.

"Hello, Jin Oppa?"

Tsk! That guy again.

Suddenly everything turned sour. I told myself to blur her voice and pay her no attention. I have no business with her whatsoever so I just continue walking until I go past her. The few seconds I was so near her feel so warm that when I already crossed past her it feel so damn cold. My steps become smaller and before I knew it, I turn around to look back at her but she was still on her phone talking to that guy.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

"Yeah, I'm on my way now."

I heard her say. I closed my lips tightly and walks faster to the van. She's leaving to see him again. Everyone's already inside except me and her and at the front of the car's door I debated with myself whether to call her or not but my pride weighs more than my heart's argument. In the end, I came inside without turning back as if I didn't hear that she'll be going home with another man.

"Where's Jihyo?"

Nayeon asked when I closed the van's door but she was answered by the message from our group chat.


Jihyo's POV

I thought coming here and meeting him again will be okay since it's been a long while since we last so each other but boy, I was wrong. The heart I thought who's already healed suddenly ache again with just one time of being ignored by him. I fake a smile and told myself, you'll get through it. You managed once, you'll manage again.

I don't need him anymore...


Yoongi's POV

I closed my eyes, ready to escape reality. I pretended I do not care but all I can think about is her walking to where that guy is waiting for her. He who caused all the pain in my heart and her who took away all the happiness I have, curse on you both! I already moved on, it's just a passing unimportant feeling that will disappear in a while.

I don't need her anymore...


... or maybe I'm wrong?

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