The Book of Fate

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Jihyo's class was asked to read an old series of books written by an anonymous writer to study. They were asked to make a reflection paper after reading the author's thoughts and mindset while writing the book. As a psychology student, they were tasked to know how will they read the author's feelings through his writings. The author made four titles for his series and one special book as a closure title. She decided to use the last published one because she thought her classmates will not be interested in it because one, the book is the thickest out of the bunch and two, the title isn't engaging compare to other works of the author.

"Oh, you know??? What kind of title is this?"

Jihyo flips the pages of the book to see a few contents. Their paper is due in a week and since the title is the thickest one, she's sure no one from her classmates will choose to read the book and that will give her leverage; isn't it? She took it with her and take the farthest available chair in their school library. She'll give the book a shot and see where her curiosity will bring her. Each chapter is titled weirdly that made Jihyo suppressed a smile. 

Book title: Oh, You know??

Author: Anonymous

Chapter I. Me? I'm no one

She starts to read the first chapter and realized that it's actually a diary. The author is talking about himself as a third person. She starts to wonder about the author's real profile. He can't be an adult but the way he writes the story is not a work of a teenager either. As she reached the last page of the chapter, a note stick to it catches her attention.

Boring! Don't write stories like this again   ~MYG

Jihyo felt the opposite though. The chapter was written exceptionally good in her opinion. After reading the last word in the first chapter, she took her pen and write below the note to express her opinion too.

I beg to disagree. The writer's way of writing is so good, you might just have a different sense of humor.     ~PJH

Book title: Oh, You know??

Author: Anonymous

Chapter II. My first driving and oh, I hit the gutter

Jihyo thinks the author is a guy; not just because he uses male personification in his writings but the story is very much like a naughty boy will do. She laughs from the humor it possesses and finds the chapter light. The character screwed that day but he wrote it as if it's a wonderful experience. He said he cherishes that day when he hits the gutter. Not only because he found out he sucks at driving but also he learned from it. It amazes Jihyo how optimistic and kind of a person the author is and she got an urge to meet him in real life. And just like the first chapter, a note was stuck on its last page.

I'm a better driver than this character, write it better!     ~MYG

Was it only her or the notes were written by the real person portrayed in the book? Was he the son of the author? A friend of the author? Or the matured version of the author? Like he's reading his past works and realized that maybe he sucks from his early writings?? 

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