The Bet

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At the Arcade in a local mall...

"Hey Jihyo... let's play this  one, choose your character."

"Oh! That's easy! I'll use the same character like always."

"I'll win this time for sure."

"Ha,ha,ha... you wish!"

"Wanna bet?"

"Bring it on Suga!"

"Alright! You ready?!"

"Wait!! What's at stake first?"

"I'll tell you after I win."

"Not fair! And as if you'll win, we need to know the bet first, tell yours."

"Where's the fun in that? Let's keep it a secret for a change."

"Fine, but let's set some rules. It should only last for today until we got home. It should be reasonable and... won't put us in any harm."

"Got it! It could've been better to make it longer though. How about a week?"

"No chance! Let's start the game!"

Jihyo and Suga has been best friends since who knows when. In their small town, people calls them "Buy 1 plus 1" since the two has always been inseparable. When they were still a kid, one cannot play without the other. If another kid wants to make friends on either one of them, then that kid needs to befriend them both; take it or leave it. When they started schooling, one cannot leave home to school without the other, same thing when going home and it goes on until they reach high school. Their parents have been happy with their friendship because both ensure each other's safety and well being. The BFF's past time after class is playing arcade, and just like those other days... they are again playing their favorite game. Both are really good in playing it and the winner has always been different each time they play. They will also place a bet from time to time and the loser has always been true to his/her word. This time however, Suga decided not to announce the bet and Jihyo just play along.

After a few hits here and there, the game is nearing to end. With combo hits, Jihyo's character suffered loss and ended losing the game. Suga stood up cheering for his win. He seems to be extra happy doing his celebratory dance. Jihyo cross her arms while Suga is mocking her for losing the game. 

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