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--not a fanfiction--


Do you believe in soulmate? I do.

But they are classified into three.

One, a soulmate that's for keeps. You will met him and with just one look you knew already, he's the one you have been wishing for.

Two, a soulmate who you will love but you will never fall in love with. He's that one person who probably knew you best better than how you knew your self. 

Three, a soulmate who definitely exists but you will never ever meet. You and him are living in a parallel world that can never intersect. You might think of him, dream of him and he probably does too but that's all both of you can do in your lifetime. Better luck next time.

They say every person has his counterpart, maybe that's true. But not all will be able to meet that fateful person for whatever reasons. 

If you happen to meet your other half, please take good care of him. Love him, cherish him as if you will never fall in love again. 

If you fall in love with the wrong person, it's sad... hence, as long as you remain fateful in your relationship, if you're not the one who let go, then you don't have to feel bad about your self. You did great! 

If you feel like you have never been loved, then you must probably looking only in one place.  Turn around, there are so many kinds of love around you. Don't obsess in a relationship that might not be grant for you. Learn to appreciate what you have, who knows... he might actually moved from his parallel world to yours. If not, then love yourself. Your happiness and dreams should not depend on someone else. 

Love your self. 


a/n: brain dump.... sorry, having an author's block and can't continue with my drafts right now 😋😂 Updates will be a little slow.... so, wait for me 🙏😌

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