chapter 2

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Y/n and Hyunjin packed all the stuff she needed and were now heading to hyunjin's house. While Hyunjin was driving the car, y/n sat beside him scrolling through her phone. There was silence but not and awkward one. Soon they reached the house and as y/n was about to carry her suitcases Hyunjin grabbed the handle of the suitcase and walked inside.

"Manners huh." Y/n giggled and followed him inside.

"We're back!" Hyunjin said while he placed the suitcases in the living room and went to his upstairs. Y/n sat on the couch but no response was recieved from the mothers. Y/n assumed they might have left to buy stuff so she just laid down on the couch and in no time fell asleep.

Hyunjin was in his room when he received a message from his mother.

Mom <3
Hyun! Y/n's mom and i
had to leave urgently.
We'll video call once we
reach our destination.
by that time take care of
Y/n and of yourself.
Love you.

Ok mum.
Love you too.

Hyunjin got up from his bed as he went downstairs to tell y/n about their mothers but noticed her tiny figure asleep on the couch. He softly walked up to her bending downwards. He was lost, completely lost in the view. He tugged a hair strand behind her ear and placed a blanket over her.

"One day Y/n I'll be brave and win you." He gave a smile to himself as he walked up to the kitchen in order to make something for the dinner. After he prepared the dinner, he once again walked up to the couch and admired the girl.

"Let me take a picture." He said and clicked a picture of y/n picture. He then grabbed a glass of water and sprinkled some water on her to wake her up.

"HYUNJIN THAT'S NOT HOW YOU WAKE SOMEONE." Y/n said as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

" Dinner's ready." He said and walked up to the dinning table. Y/n sat opposite to him and remembered she hasn't seen her mother since they came.

" Our mothers had to go because of some work emergency without greeting. They'll call once they are free. Now finish your dinner." Hyunjin said while y/n nodded.

As soon as dinner was over they both sat on the couch thinking who'd do the dishes.
" I made the dinner you do the dishes."
"But Hyunjin i have homework to do."
"Miss we are in the same class and never have i ever seen you submitting homework."
"But today i wanna do. I wanna improve myself at academics, i wanna make mama proud -"
Y/n starting giving a long speech to which Hyunjin eye rolled and got up without saying anything to wash the dishes.

"Thanksssss Hyunjinnnnn." Y/n said with a happy giggle.
Hyunjin's heart was beating so fast right now but he had to hide that,
"Don't ever smile like that to other." He said while paying his attention back to dishes.
"What? Why?" Y/n asked confused.
"You look ugly."
Y/n pouted and took her suitcase back to the guest room to unpack stuff.
"SLEEP ON TIME, I DON'T WANNA BE LATE BECAUSE OF YOU." Hyunjin shouted with a giggle.
"I'LL BE REASON YOU'LL BE LATE TOMORROW HYUNJIN." y/n answered hack from her room.

"She's such a baby." Hyunjin giggled to himself and went back to his room to sleep.

It's the next day now and Hyunjin and y/n were now at school when the teacher entered.
"Good morning everyone. I have a student to introduce. Everyone please welcome Bang Chan."
A black haired boy entered with a smile which formed dimples on his cheek.

" cute." Y/n whispered to herself.
Hyunjin gave her a disgusting look as he said, "not more than me."
Now Y/n gave him a disgusting look.

"Chan sit next to Y/n. Y/n raise your hand." The teacher said and Chan took a seat near y/n. He gave her a smile to which she smiled back.

It was now recess time and as y/n was about to go to the hall Chan stopped her,
"As I'm new so can i join you?" He asked with a bright smile.
Y/n couldn't refuse and nodded.

"Hey guys how's everyone." Y/n said as she sat on the table with her friends Sana, Lia, Felix and Lee know.
"Looks like a guy is here." Lee know looking at Chan.
"Hello everyone I'm Chan." Chan said as everyone happily accepted him as one of them.

In the other corner of the hall sat Hyunjin with his friends Han, Changbin, Seungmin and I.n. His eyes were still on y/n.
"You are not hungry Hyunjin?" Changbin said.
"It's not that."Hyunjin said with a poker face.
"You haven't confessed?" Seungmin asked.
"No." Hyunjin answered looking down.
"She hates me and i know I'll be rejected so I'm just waiting for time to do some miracle." He continued.
"Don't be late Hyunjin." I.N. said

The school was now over and y/n was waiting for Hyunjin in the parking lot near her bike. Hyunjin walked up to the bike and gave y/n a helmet. Y/n sat behind him as they headed to home.

"Hyunjin you know the new guy, he seems nice." Y/n said as she got down from the bike giving her helmet to Hyunjin.
"Hyunjin you're not getting down?" She asked confused looking at hyunjin who was still on the bike.
"I'm going to meet Han for a while. Don't wait for me." He said and went.

It was now 9 pm and Hyunjin was still out . Y/n made some dumplings for him as she thought he might come back tired but fell asleep on the table while waiting for him.

The door knob clicked as Hyunjin entered the house. He saw y/n sleeping on the table with dinner prepared.

He cursed himself in his mind.
"Hyunjin you can't let your feelings take a hold on you. You just want to see her happy." He said and walked up to y/n and woke her up.

Y/n woke up rubbing her eyes and as she got up she held Hyunjin's arm and made him sit on the chair. She served him some food and said,
"Lee Know taught me to make these so i wanted to test them on you to see if they're edible or not."

"Thank you for the meal." Hyunjin gave her a smile and ate some dumplings. "They're really good y/n."

"I know it's because I MADE THEM." She said with a chuckle and went back to her room.

"Hyunjin this is going to be tough." He said to himself as he finished the dumplings served to him.

Author's note


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