Chapter 9

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Days passed, Hyunjin's and y/n's mothers were back from the business trip and things have been a little awkward between y/n and Hyunjin since that day. Hyunjin still always is irritating y/n on every chance he gets but she just ignores it. She's been really distant these days.

"Y/n?" Y/n's mom said snapped the girl out of her thoughts who was sitting at the breakfast table lost in her World.
"Yes mom?"
"Are you okay sweetie?" Her mom said taking a seat next to her and starting off with eating her breakfast.
"Yes I'm totally fine mom." Y/n said taking a bite of her toast.
"You know you can always share things with me right?" Her mom said and she nodded while eating the rest of the breakfast.

On the other hand Hyunjin has been feeling low lately because he felt that he did something wrong.
"Hyunjin you gave kkami his treat right?" Hyunjin's mom asked while placing breakfast on the table.
"Yes mom." He said with a lost face.
"Mom?" Hyunjin said while playing with the spoon that was in front of his table.
"Mhm?" She said while sitting down for breakfast.
"Can i go abroad to study further?"
It was DEFINITELY what she was expecting.
"What? Out of nowhere?" His mom shocked.
"I- I was just thinking that as you already know that i no interest in being the CEO or literally anything in the business so..."
"I looked up for some universities in USA that offer dance courses."
"So you wanna enroll their?"
Hyunjin just nodded.
"I'll think about it." His mom said and started having her breakfast.
"T-Thank you."

Today was their first final. Y/n was very interested in being a businesswoman so she had already started applying and studying for the best business universities and she thought that maybe like always Hyunjin would also be with her but things were different on hyunjin's side.

"You haven't confessed?" Lee Know said with an angry confused face.
Y/n just shook her in a no while they were revising for today's exam in their exam.
"It's been more than a month y/n"
He said crossing his arms.
"I know but-"
"Do it before it's too late and all the best for the exam, the teacher's here gotta go."
"All the best Lee know."

Exams were tough. The time went slow but fast. Today was the last exam and while y/n was revising her notes Hyunjin walked up to her for the first time in a while.

"H-Hi!" He said sitting beside her.
"Oh hello Hyunjin." She said with a soft smile, the smile which could cure any pain for Hyunjin, a smile while makes his heart lighter, a smile he's gonna miss.
"How are the exams going?" He asked
"I know right anyway before the teacher comes i had to tell you that as today's the last exam, can you maybe meet at sunshine cafe after exam?"
Hyunjin stood up and softly patted y/n 's head.
"All the best for the exam." He said and went. Y/n's heart was beating so fast.
"I gotta call Lee know." She said with excited and called him.
Lee know came rushing to her thinking she's in trouble.
"You look fine?" He said confused.
"What happened to me?" Now y/n was confused.
"You're not the type to call 5 minutes before exam. It is apparently your crucial revision time."
"C'mon Lee know i have to tell you something."
"All ears ma'am."
"Hyunjin asked me to meet me at a cafe after exam." She said in an excited.
"AND I THINK HE'LL CONFESS." She whisper screamed.
"And how do you know that?"
"Becauseeeee I'll confess today and so he'll have to confess back."
Both friends talked about the evening before the exam and then the evening happened.

Y/n wore her pastel pink shirt with a white pair of pants and had her hair down with two pink clips keeping hair out of her eyes. Hyunjin was wearing a grey hoodie and black joggers.

"Hello." Hyunjin said with a smile while sitting opposite to y/n at the cafe.
"Let's order something."
Y/n nodded.

After 20 minutes of casual talking and eating Hyunjin offered to take a walk in the park next to the cafe and y/n agreed. The day was going all happy and cute untill.

"Y/n let's sit i have something to tell." Hyunjin said offering a seat at the bench near them.Y/n and Hyunjin sat down as y/n broke the silence.

"Even i have something to tell." She said in an excited tone.
"Umm you go first." Hyunjin said.
"No no it's fine you can start it's your plan after all." She said with a small smile.

"Umm I- I am shifting to U-USA." Hyunjin said stuttering.
Y/n's eyes widened as she was wondering if she was in a dream or was it the reality.
"You know how i  always wanted to pursue dancing." He continued.
Y/n was not listening to a single word as her heart shattered to a million pieces.
" But there are dance schools here too?" She said finally gathering some courage.
"I- I just want to take classes from there." Hyunjin said breaking the eye contact. He was lying. He thought he loved y/n so much that if she never responds to it he might go insane so he wanted to run. He wanted to run away from the reality unaware of the fact that if he would try a little more all his dreams would be reality but he was giving up.

On the other hand y/n was more of a conservation person when it came to her feelings. Only her close friends were aware of her feelings about Hyunjin and she was so ready to take the next step but after Hyunjin's information she took a step back. She knew damn well that if she'd confess now either it'll hold back Hyunjin from going to USA or it would make things even more awkward between them if Hyunjin didn't feel the same.

"Congratulations Hyunjin so happy to hear that." Y/n said pulling Hyunjin into a tight hug. A tear drop fell from her eyes but she made sure to clean it before breaking the hug.
"Thank you." Hyunjin said admiring y/n because for the next 3 years he was not gonna see that precious face.
"Oh yeah i forgot i had to tell other friends too so I'll get going. Should i drop you off?" Hyunjin said getting up from the bench. Y/n just shook her head in a no as she had no energy to talk . They waved each other goodbyes as Hyunjin went out of her site.

The sun was setting. The sky was orange. Children were playing in the park and dog owners were on a walk with their dogs but there was y/n whose heart has just been completely shattered. She cried and cried untill Lee Know whom she had called earlier arrived. She told him everything that had happened and Lee know was trying his best to comfort her.

Sometimes life really has everything in front of you but it's just waiting for you to take a step, a step out of your comfort zone, a step out in the danger to win it all.

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