chapter 12

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"what? Hyunjin? He's already here?" Lee Know said while he was on a call with y/n.
"Yeah" a soft but sad response came from y/n.
"Are you okay?" Lee Know asked.
"I don't know Lee Know, i thought i was okay all this time but as soon as i saw him, my heart, it's aching."
"I know y/n it's been tough for you but you know that you're strong and loved right?"
"Mhm thanks Lee know for always being there, i gotta go now."
"Bye y/n, take care."
"Bye Lee Know."
And y/n cut the call.

Hyunjin was sitting on the couch in his living room. All alone in this big house, he was fascinated that nothing changed since he left. The walls, the furniture, the frames and every little thing in the room brought back memories, memories Hyunjin thought he forgot.

"Funny y/n how everything here still reminds me of you." He chuckled but with a sad expression.
"I wonder how are you. I saw you and it really felt like you've been having a hard time or is it just me overthinking?" He got up from couch and went into the kitchen to have some food.

"We used to cook here when you would come here and would bicker to each other. We would always end up watching your favourite movie because mum always said i should do what you say." He then took a sip from the glass.

"I used to make fun of you all the time and you'd play back and we'd have the best conversations not knowing we were not actually making fun anymore but telling our concerns. I literally broke my own heart by leaving the warmest bed I've known but i felt like ughh not that same shit again Hyunjin." He gave himself a light pat on his face to gather his thoughts. He then put his clothes in the closet and went to his garden to draw something.

It was now the next day and Felix and Lee know were waiting for y/n to arrive out the meeting hall.

"Hyung they'll accept our proposal right?" Felix asked concerned.
"They definitely will." Lee know said confidently.

After a few minutes y/n arrived at her office where Lee Know, Felix and Lee Know's girlfriend were waiting. She entered excitedly and gave a tight group hug to three of them.

"Guys we did it. The academy will be here for a month and we are the promoters."

Hyunjin's phone rang and it was his boss.
"Arrive at stay company right now."
Hyunjin just replied a yes and left for the company.

He arrived at the company. Obviously he knew where to go it's his mum's company after all.
"Sir I'm here." He said to his boss and his boss scolded him for being late by 5 minutes.
"The people we are working with will tell you our plans ahead. Make sure not to spoil our name or you know what i do right." He said leaving the room. Hyunjin sighed. He was tired. He was okay with working under someone but this guy was really something. He would always blackmail Hyunjin and would ask him to overwork.

Hyunjin was sitting on the chair waiting for the authorities. He really wanted to drop the formalities and be the old hyunjin to his y/n but he couldn't.

"Hi Hyunjin" a voice said. Hyunjin looked up and saw Felix. He was happy to meet him after years. He got up and hugged him.
"Hi Felix."
Felix hugged him back.

Soon Lee Know and y/n also arrived and so did the awkward atmosphere.
"Hey y/n I'll get going it's 6 p.m. i ugh i have a date." Lee know whispered to y/n. Y/n just chuckled and nodded signalling that he could leave.

Everyone was doing their research when Felix had to leave for a phone call. Hyunjin did not utter a single word all this time.

Y/n was working on her laptop so she needed the charger. It was kept near Hyunjin. She went up to him and as she raised her hand to get the charger Hyunjin flinched which confused y/n.

"Hey i didn't -"
"I know y/n it's just that i have quick reflexes." He said while his eyes glued on the dance video that he was editing.

It's almost been a week since they both have been working together but Hyunjin was never in a good or happy mode. He was always sad and y/n even heard him crying. There were even eyebags and it was really concerning y/n.

"Hey Hyunjin." She approached him with a cup of coffee.
"Let's go to the roof top for some time? We've been working since -"
"I'm sorry y/n i have to finish this by 8 or else-"
"Or else? Hyunjin? Are you hiding something?"
"No no i meant or I'll feel bad."

Y/n knew he was lying so he just grabbed him by his arm and took him to the rooftop.

"Hyunjin i know it's not how it used to be but we've grown up and you know you always can share problems with me right?" She said holding him by his arms .

Hyunjin broke the eye contact and said in a low voice.
"I'm okay y/n."

It was when y/n noticed finger marks around his wrist. She grabbed his wrist and he hissed in pain.

"Hyun what's this?"

He took his wrist away.
"It's from umm-"

"Hyun" y/n said grabbing his hand and making eye contact with him.
"Are you really okay?"

Hyunjin broke. No matter how much he tried he knew he can't lie in front of her. He knew she's too smart to catch him faking happiness and he knew how much he needed to tell someone about what's happening.

He started crying which made y/n more worried so she just went on and hugged him, softly rubbing his back with one hand while other hand place on his back side of head.

Hyunjin cried. He cried all he could and y/n just let him. She knew how much important it was to let it all out.

"It's your boss right? I heard him talking to you on phone and started suspecting so i did some stalking." She said lowly while Hyunjin just nodded.
"It's okay Hyun you don't have to worry, I'll get you out of there very soon."

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