Chapter 3

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It was the next day and y/n could hear excited voice of Hyunjin from the hallway so she made her way up to the hallway as soon as she woke up.

"Hyunjin it's so early why are you jumping all around?" She asks rubbing her sleepy eyes.
"Y/nnnnn KKAMIIIII IS COMING BACK FROM THE VETT HE'S ALL GOOD NOW!!!!!" Hyunjin said jumping all around.

Y/n chuckled as she thought he looked so cute when he's all excited.
"You should probably clean his food bowl and bed while he's on the way?" She said.
"Cute." Y/n whispered to herself but Hyunjin was too loud to hear anything.
"Anyway Hyunjin I'm going to freshen up and a good news we have a day off today because of some issues at school." Y/n said and went to freshen up.

In an hour she returned to the living watching Hyunjin admiring the little dog. As y/n entered the room, kkami ran up to y/n leaving hyunjin's arms.

"That's not fair kkami I've raised you since you were a baby and you always go to her when she's around." Hyunjin said with a pout meanwhile Y/n picked up kkami and sat near Hyunjin on the couch.
"Because he loves me more." Y/n said as she was petting kkami.
"But that's not fair." Hyunjin complained.
"Alright don't make that face, hear hold him let me take a picture of you both." Y/n said.
"You remember?" Hyunjin said with a shocked face.
"Of course i remember , when we were kids, you really wanted a dog and so your mom got you kkami and that was the day you told me that you'd take a lot of pictures with him so you can look at them when he's away." Y/n said taking her phone out while Hyunjin was impressed how she remembered such small details to the point that even he forgot.
"Ready?" Y/n said pointing out to the camera while Hyunjin snapped out of his thoughts.

"Here look"

"Here look"

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Hyunjin took the phone to see the pictures giving kkami to y/n because kkami really wanted to go to y/n

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Hyunjin took the phone to see the pictures giving kkami to y/n because kkami really wanted to go to y/n.
"Wow you really got good at taking pictures." Hyunjin said amazed but soon y/n's phone rang with the name Channie.

"Oh let me take this." Y/n took the phone and started talking.
"Good which cafe?......okay.... See you at 3."
And saying that y/n cut the call.

"Okay Hyunjin here take kkami gotta prepare myself for the day."
Y/n gave Hyunjin the dog but Hyunjin was in his own thoughts but y/n didn't notice. After 15 min y/n came with breakfast.

"Hyunjin i was making sandwiches and i think i had some extra stuffing so instead of throwing i made some for you." She said giving him the plate and pretending she doesn't even if he doesn't eat it but deep down she wanted him to take his meal.

"Thank you." Hyunjin quietly took the plate and started eating.
"All good?" Y/n asked.
"You were so happy about kkami coming back, what happened?"
"Nothing just anyway you'll be busy today?" He said facing y/n.
"Yeah Chan said he wanted to meet at the cafe because of some homework."
"You really think it's because of homework?"
"I don't know." Y/n said as she got up taking the plates to the kitchen.
"BY THE YOU'LL DO THE DISHES ." Y/n shouted from the kitchen and then walked up to her room.

Hyunjin was still in his thoughts when suddenly his phone rang.
"Hello auntie."
It was y/n's mom.
"Hello Hyunjin. Your mom was busy right now so I decided to check on you. Everything's good there right?"
"Yes auntie."
"Take care of yourself okay hyun? And also remember to tell y/n what you always wanted to tell her ."
"How? Mom told you?"
"Hahaha we're besties hyun, I'm more than happy with this tho, go ahead I'm rooting for you."
"Thank you auntie." Hyunjin said with a huge smile .
"Okay bye hyun, take care."
"Bbye auntie."

Hyunjin cut the call and y/n was now in the hallway as she had popcorn in her hand and sat on the couch. She noticed Hyunjin smiling,
"Ooo someone's talking to his girlfriend early in the morning huh."
Hyunjin threw a pillow at y/n and said,
"Not everyone's like you, your mom called."
Y/n didn't even pay attention and just started her movie.

Not even an hour later y/n was fast asleep with the empty popcorn bowl on the table and kkami on her lap.
Hyunjin was still wide awake watching the movie untill he realised that it's been strangely quiet for a while so he turned towards y/n and kkami and them fast asleep.

Hyunjin got closer to y/n as placed y/n' s head on his shoulder so she would be comfortable and then he looked at kkami.
"I swear i am this dog's owner but he's just really similar to y/n."
Hyunjin said and after that even he fell asleep.

*Phone rings*
Hyunjin got disturbed by the phone ringing only to realise it wasn't even his phone.
"Y/n get up your phone is ringing." He shook y/n who took the call but as soon as the call ended , y/n went running to her room with tears flowing from her eyes .

Hyunjin rushed behind her as he got worried but y/n locked him out.
"Y/n open the door please." Hyunjin said knocking on the door

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